Well, whenever they've done night shoots like this in the past it means that it's been to cover a big storyline. So what could it mean this time around?
The newspapers suggest that it might be Callum's body that's been found. But why would that be filmed in the dark? How odd.
Callum was killed off by Kylie Platt in the live episode last September. Since then, his body has been hidden in Gail's manole underneath the grannexe.
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Maybe they're just filming a night scene?
Sometimes an apple is just an apple.
An apple at night eh? Intriguing...
Dev sells apples, so it probably involves him. Adam and Eve did something with an apple so it must mean that Dev is going to have an affair with Eva! She probably insisted that it happened in the dark.
But Eva may have thrown that Apple love token away and ,seeing it slip into the drain, went to retrieve it out of guilt bringing up a human hand instead........
It's soap awards filming time. All the soaps are pulling out big stories to get the votes in at the end of May. EE with Peggy and Grant, for example. Corrie will have summat up its sleeve
Britain's Got Talent is returning - so рreрare for an 'exрlosive' end to May (рlease be better than Rover's fire and Victoria court fire!)
Its probably BGT week. Nick and Carla wedding and Callum being the obvious big stories coming up and fits in with timing
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