Jack talks about the short film he's made with Ben Price, who plays his Corrie brother Nick Tilsley. You can read about the film, Taubman here.
Jack has celebrated 16 years on Coronation Street this week. He tells Radio Times: “Yeah, I started Corrie when I was 12, so I’ve been David longer than I’ve been Jack, so that’s weird. It is over half my life, but it’s not like I’ve spent the time in prison, do you know what I mean?”
The interview goes on to discuss Corrie's current night shoots and whether the body of Callum will be found. Jack also talks about Paul Lane (Kylie Platt) leaving Corrie later this year.
You can read it all here.
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He's been David longer than he's been Jack...what?
He said he's been David longer than he had been JUST Jack....so just Jack for 12 years before getting the role and David for 16.
I love Jack Shepherd and really enjoy David on Corrie.
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