I'm ok, no, really, I am: Nick doesn't think his brain injury is causing trouble. He's spent the week snapping at people and losing his temper.
Secrets and Lies: Maria has a secret husband! And she's a crap liar.
Superman award: Norris is able to leap to tall conclusions in a single bound. Always the wrong ones, of course.

Lines of the week:
Gail about godparents "Todd Grimshaw and Carla Connor. Now I've heard it all"
Lauren's mother: "It's like the flamin' Addams family, I keep expecting a hand to scuttle across the floor!"
Nick to David "Go perm someone's hair. Give us all a break"
Rita "Norris, is there any metal in you? Because you always strike me as the Tin Man. No Heart."
Audrey "I didn't come down with the last shower"
Cathy "You can't really beat a singing pig"
David to Audrey "If I drive like you, we won't get to the wholesaler's till Sunday!"
Norris to Tyrone "Listen to me, Jed Clampett"
Audrey to David at the sight of Maria in a lion costume "Film it for me!"
Mary to Norris "Don't spoil it, Norris, a half-baked apology is worse than no apology at all"
Pablo: “My parents don’t know I’m gay,” David: “Have they not met you?”
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David does get some great lines. It's humour like that that gets me through the rubbish like Maria in a lion costume.
The Corrie script writers are giving David some quick, witty one liners at the mo, and I'm loving them. The one he said to Pablo was executed perfectly
Here we go again award.As in the case with Kirsty,Tyrone is again the victim of false accusations and when the truth comes out he's given a reluctant, muttered apology. I really wish there were new writers.
Can someone please shave Annas head. What an unsupportive ugly person she has become. She can't wait to take yet another young woman's child . Turning into an Ff character again (fast forward).
Shave Anna's head? Sorry MartesBC, you've got me there. That's not something we do here in Manchester in anger. Am I missing something?
I'm sure you don't Anon 1703, lol! She just keeps baaa baaa and baaaing saying the same thing over and over again that I though a good shearing might shut her Up! Rather than suggesting a good slap? Suppose that wasn't the right image since head shaving can conjure up a whole host of other things.
Phew. Thanks for clearing that up for me. This Mancunian, can sleep well in her bed knowing this isn't gonna become commonplace anytime soon :-)
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