As promised, here is the part two review of this Wednesday's Coronation Street.
Our Chesney is courting with disaster, as Emma and Gemma continue to fight for the kebab shop manager. Gemma has always been the top of Chesney's affections, but as Emma finally admits her worries, will Gemma finally realise the truth about Chesney?. And as the silent calls continue, has Gemma got another admirer?.
Audrey isn't convinced that Lewis has drained her account of Archie's money. Either squandered or stolen, something doesn't seem to ring true with Lewis's supposed final fraud. Sarah also admits to being in a financial quandary. As the police show CCTV images to Audrey, Gail doesn't recognise the lady at the cash machine. If it isn't Lewis (it looks like he is actually dead), who's stolen Audrey's cash?. As accusations fly, the Platts internal fights and plights look set to continue.
Back in Blackpool, Mary gives Jude £800 to settle the B&B bill. Talking to Jude's bottle blonde, Roy realises that Jude has assumed the identity of street stalwart, Ken Barlow, whilst masquerading as a surgeon!. It seems Jude hasn't changed at all. Unfortunately, Mary can't spot any of the signs, and hands the money over to her son. It isn't long before Mary realises that Jude has absconded down the promenade with her cash. Dismayed but not dissuaded by Jude's treachery, Mary solemnly sings along to Abba on the radio, as Roy drives them home (I was hoping for Morrissey if I'm honest).
Meanwhile, Billy is his usual saintly self and vies to get Paul a job at Underworld. Taking along his charm (and government funding advice), Carla is soon won over.
Anyway, that's me done for another week.I think we've seen the last of Jude, and although all evidence suggests otherwise, I'm still not sure the same can be said for Lewis?
What're your thoughts on this Wednesday's Corrie?
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Join me next time, for more Wednesday Weatherfield Wisdom!.
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I think Nick enlisted Elsa to steal his gran's money to pay her back and keep the rest for himself.
Nick seemed a little too calm when Audrey found out the money was gone,it was as though he already knew what happened.
Yes, I thought it could be Elsa. I also wonder whether the financial adviser is in on the scam, and it was he who set up the fake bank account. To take it a step further, was the person on the phone even a financial adviser; maybe just a friend of Nick and/or Elsa's, helping them out for a small consideration?
Sometimes it's the smallest of things that bemuse the most. This episode it was when Audrey had her funny turn/ fainting fit in the pub and all Sarah could say was "you dropped your phone". Talk about stating the obvious.
Isn't this Paul bloke Gemma's brother? I'm sure that was said quite some time ago.
I agree about what Sarah said when Audrey faltered, it was a bit weird. I'm curious about when Lewis was on the phone, cancelling the hotel room cuz he was leaving the country. What was that about I wonder if he had been planning the honeymoon for a while?
Jeanie (anon): Beautiful scenes between Roy and Mary. Maybe this is the beginnning of a deeper relationship for them. I didn't like to think of them being paired after Hayley's death, but now they seem to have grown closer naturally. And I must say as a couple they work a thousand times better than Roy and Cathy! They really seem to have clicked!
I just watched this episode on the Canadian timeline. My first thought was that Nick is responsible for the stolen cash. I agree he was much too calm.
I'm glad to see I'm not the only one who thinks it. I've actually been enjoying Corrie a lot more the last little while. Whatever they're doing, I hope they continue!!
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