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Big story this week has been fourteen-year-old Amy Barlow’s pregnancy. She goes to a clinic where the nurse confirms she’s pregnant. Amy asks for a pill to induce abortion but the nurse tells her to return with an adult and they’ll talk some more. Amy doesn’t want to tell any adults her news. However, the pregnancy news comes out, as it must in soap, when Steve and Tracy find Amy’s pregnancy test kit in the laundry basket. In some touching scenes, Tracy is really caring towards Amy, the first time perhaps we have seen this maternal side to her. Steve, however, goes ballistic and demands to know who the father is.
First off, Steve thinks it’s Dev’s son Aadi whom he threatens with a garden “it’s not a shovel” spade and then he thinks it must be Simon after Tracy finds a text on Amy’s phone. Steve and Tracy march to the Barlow’s and give Peter and Simon a mouthful, but Simon denies being the father of Amy’s child. Simon comes in for so much grief and there’s a fantastic scene in Roy’s Rolls where Simon has to tell Leanne he’s still a virgin – just as Carla leans in for the pepper and Shona brings a sandwich to the table. To protect Simon, Leanne tells Amy she has to come clean about who the real father is. Amy
Amy has much to think about and finally does the right thing, she calls the lad who made her pregnant to give him the news. It’s Tyler, Simon’s arch-nemesis. Tyler collars Simon after speaking to Amy, pins him against the wall and tells him to either force Amy to get an abortion or to tell everyone that Simon himself is the real dad. And if Simon doesn’t do what Tyler demands, Tyler threatens that he’ll kick Simon’s head in.
Elsewhere this week, Roy’s mum Sylvia passes away and he brings her belongings back to his flat. He stays up all night sorting them into piles for recycling and charity shops, his way of trying to deal with his grief. Carla tries to get Roy to talk about his feelings but Roy bottles everything up and as we know with Roy, this is never a good thing.
Audrey’s dry rot at Grasmere Drive is worse than she thought and she’s forced to move in at the Platts. This means Sarah and Gary are sleeping on lilos on the living room floor while Audrey takes their bed. Sarah’s angry with Gary now that Nicola’s back for a visit and feels he’s spending too much time with his ex and their son. She decides to get drunk in the Bistro with Nicola and Izzy, the three of them having experience of “the ginger stud” Gary and have a good laugh at his, er, expense, in a very naughty, funny scene written by Steven Fay. Sarah gets very drunk and ends up with Adam cheesy-flirty Barlow in his flat but when he comes on to her, she leaves. Seb spies her leaving and wants to know if Adam’s bothering her as she seems to be upset. Without waiting for an answer, Seb and Adam end up fighting and Sarah takes Seb home to Eileen’s where she helps him clean up his bloodied face. When Gary calls later, Sarah lies about where she has been. Only Seb knows the truth – for now.
Also this week, Sally helps Abi prepare for an interview in a call centre. She loans Abi one of her power suits and advises her on what to say and how to act. These two are a dream made in Corrie heaven, two unlikely friends – much like Mary and Tracy – who work so well on screen. Abi’s CV contains long stretches of nothing and the interviewer asks for an explanation. Panicked, Abi lies and says she’s been travelling in Africa. But she has to come clean and admit she’s been in jail. She doesn’t get the job and is gutted. Sally asks Kevin if he’ll think about taking Abi back on at the garage, desperate to help her friend.
And finally this week, Tyrone’s worried about Evelyn who seems to be forgetting things. But she’s not being forgetful, it’s the truth she’s playing fast and loose with. Tyrone discovers that Evelyn’s planned a holiday with a young man in a wheelchair called James. It turns out that James is a family friend whom Evelyn has been helping (and going on holiday with each year) since James was involved in a car accident in which his parents died. James is keen to meet Tyrone, he tells him that Evelyn talks a lot about him, and he seems to know that Tyrone is the spitting image of his mum. James has seen photos, he says, photos that Evelyn told Tyrone had been burned. And then, curiously, James tells Tyrone that it wasn’t Tyrone’s mum who handed him into the police station as a baby, unable to cope. It was Evelyn herself. What does this all mean for Tyrone?
And that’s just about that for this week.
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This week’s writers were Susan Oudot (Monday); Joe Turner (Wednesday); Steven Fay and Jayne Hollinson (Friday). Find out all about the Coronation Street writing team at Coronation Street Blog: Exclusive: All Current Corrie writers online
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Amy's pregnancy has felt completely weird to me. It's being treated like a comedy storyline, what with Steve threatening Aadi with a spade/shovel/whatever, then trying and failing to act threatening to Peter, then Simon having to announce his virginity... It just feels like the strangest, most casual and inappropriate approach to a teenage pregnancy ever. It was only a few weeks ago Amy was portrayed as a young girl who wanted home cooked meals and quality time with her parents. Now, intelligent though she is, she sleeps with a guy whom she KNOWS has terrorised her family simply because he "seemed nice after a few drinks". Ridiculous.
Anonymous[18;55]I agree about Amy's storyline being very weird as it's been reduced to a 'Who's the daddy?'storyline with every teenage male on the Street being falsely accused of being the father.
Sadly Amy isn't the first one to go for a 'bad boy'as Sarah [who was also warned about him]slept with Callum causing more trouble for David and got pregnant with his son Harry!
Speaking of Sarah who seems to be a teenager in an older woman's body,she seems to love cause trouble as poor Seb is the latest victim caught in the crossfire of Sarah's attention getting games.
Sarah is also lucky that Adam is a gentleman as I think if she pulled that stunt on another bloke,she would be in serious trouble!
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