Wednesday 16th January
Nick’s taken aback to see Natalie, a waitress from the Nottingham restaurant, on the street. He tries to get rid of her but not before Leanne approaches, demanding to know what’s going on. As David watches on intrigued, Nick has to think on his feet and makes out that Natalie is his divorce solicitor. Will Leanne buy this and who really is Natalie?
TIM FEARS TIME’S RUNNING OUT FOR SALLY As Sally sits alone in her cell she’s horrified by the arrival of Marcia.
KEN AND DANIEL FIND A BABY BOND An emotional Daniel introduces Ken to his tiny son. As he admits just how scared he is Ken hugs him close. But when the doctor explains he needs to examine the baby privately, Daniel’s deeply concerned.
ELSEWHERE Mary warns Tracy that her plan to put Steve off sex by suggesting they try for a baby could backfire as he could easily warm to the idea. When a sad Rana confirms that her divorce is now finalised, Kate points out that the plus side is they’re now free to get married.
Wednesday 16th January
When Leanne starts asking awkward questions, Nick tells her that Elsa saw her new necklace online and reduced her settlement offer. Leanne’s apologetic.
As Marcia pulls out a knife and lunges at Sally she’s terrified. Meanwhile Tim rails at Imran and Gina for their part in Sally’s wrongful incarceration.
IT IS DANIEL’S TURN TO KEEP SECRETS Daniel and Sinead name their son Bertie, a nod to Uncle Albert. The doctor breaks the news to Daniel that Bertie has a bowel condition but when Sinead asks how he’s doing, Daniel covers not wanting to upset her.
ELSEWHERE Over lunch in the bistro Steve and Tracy admit neither of them really wants a baby.
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Tracy is too old for a baby, specially with her kidney transplant. The Barlow boys all have Biblical names, Peter, Simon, Daniel, Adam so Ezekiel is more in keeping than Bertie.
Sorry but I think Bertie is a horrible name. Why on earth would they name a baby after an elderly relative neither one of them had ever met?
The Queen's father was called Bertie (to his friends) and as the Queen is suррosedly a fan of corrie....
PS, he was not even related to Daniel or to Ken except by marriage.
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