When Abi Franklin, played by Sally Carman, first appeared on our screens, I was certain that she would be on for just a few episodes, in order to explain Seb's backstory, then vanish. Clearly I was wrong. Perhaps the writers saw the potential in Abi and for that reason, she stuck around.
Initially, I was rather indifferent to Abi, though I do admit to some feelings of annoyance, showing little understanding and tolerance on my part, for the woman who claimed to love her twins, Charlie and Lexi, but couldn't, at least initially, kick the habit. Viewers will remember how Seb was rushing around working and also trying to look after his siblings. He was understandably annoyed with his mother and seemed to have little respect for her.
Over time, Abi has cleaned up, has become a regular and is very watchable indeed. One of the very best aspects of Abi's Coronation Street's life is her friendship with Sally. I think we might all agree that had they not been in prison at the same time, the friendship would never have got off the ground,
never mind the fact that the two unlikely friends, are friends and good friends at that. In ordinary life, Sally would not have given Abi the time of day. She would have been disapproving and judgemental. In return, Abi would have accused Sally of snobbery, of being self-obsessed and concerned with nothing much other than her status. But prison changes people. It's a great leveller and there's no tolerance there of any airs and graces or anyone with any sense of their own superiority.
When both women were released, Sally hugged Abi and told her that she wouldn't have been able to have got trough prison without her. It would be difficult to see this comment as anything but sincere. It's also worth noting that Sally is only too pleased to carry on their friendship - unlikely though it seems.
Apart from her friendship with Sally, Abi has much to recommend her: she is the first female mechanic, for starters and seems very capable at fixing cars. She doesn't care about wearing an overall and getting oil everywhere as I suspect several of the Corrie females might. I certainly couldn't see Liz, Michelle or Claudia getting down and dirty with a car engine. She is so down to earth the she's lost under it, she's irreverent and she says what she thinks. Even when she lies in a job interview, about having spent time in Botswana, when she was actually in prison, we feel sorry for her; after all, what bad luck to name the one country that the interviewer's sister had lived in. It's worth noting though that Abi scrubbed up very well wearing Sally's jacket. And at least she's trying to get a job and maybe too, in her heart of hearts, she has not given up on her twins, despite what she says about them being far happier with the wealthy family they now live with and appear happy with.
A favourite scene with Abi is the one in The Rovers where she takes Sally to celebrate her release from prison. At the table are Gail, Yasmeen, Sally, and maybe others, but Abi is as ever her own woman. She tells Yasmeen that she's sick of her and her fizzy water and forcibly suggests she has a drink, calling her a 'po-faced mare.' On discovering that Gail had been in prison, Abi is amazed. 'You a jail-bird?'Abi then learns the Gail's ex called his boat Gail Force and Abi cannot contain her glee.
Spoiler alert! Ive read somewhere or seen a trailer, that Peter and Abi have a bit of a snog. Whether or not Carla finds out, we'll have to wait and see...
In real life, I've read that Sally Carman - Abi, and Joe Duttine, Tim are in a relationships. i wonder what Sally Webster thinks about that!
By Ruth Owen

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It is easy to forget that Sally was the one that got the twins put into care in the first place, she reported Abi to social services and let Anna take the blame. I think the writers have forgotten this too tbh!
I think Abi is Sally's replacement younger sister. I don't know if this is going to be a storyline with Gina becoming jealous of Abi. Agree that Abi and Sally have a great rapport on screen.
I liked the way the writers had Abi take Sally under her wing in prison. It came across as a genuine thing, that underneath her tough exterior she will help people if she can no matter who they are.
Wasn't Maddie the first female mechanic?
I think Maddie just did detailing/car washes
wasn't there a female mechanic who helped Jim repair bikes???
Maddie was not a mechanic..she did the detailing
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