At the clinic and realising that Amy is ten weeks pregnant, Tracy demands to know who the father is. As Amy has passed the six week threshold, the only option to terminate the baby is surgical.
Feigning niceness to his daughter, Steve admits to Tracy that he thinks Simon is the father. Off for a walk with the dog, Amy is collared by Faye and Craig who offer advice about underage pregnancies and dramatic births.
Tracy is unconvinced by Steve's wild accusations of Simon's incestuous shenanigans, that is until she reads a text from the youngster, on his cousin Amy's phone. Tracy is enraged and heads out on the warpath.
At the job interview, Abi admits to the truth of why she has a gap in her CV and is unsuccessful at the interview for the call centre job. Can Sally persuade Kevin to give Abi her job back at the garage?.
Evelyn fails to go to bingo and fails to collect Ruby from school. Seeking explanations, Tyrone struggles to extract the truth from his unusually coy Grandma. Is Evelyn losing her memory? Tyrone touchingly tries to push the issue with his gran but as caustic as ever, Evelyn appears absolutely fine. Is she telling the truth?
Roy finds out that Sylvia has had a heart attack and he leaves the street to be with her. Carla continues to look after her best friend.
Sarah and Gary argue at the factory. Admitting the job has fallen through, the builder vows to fix their money problems and immediately puts Seb onto a zero-hour contract!. Sarah meanwhile, chastises her Gran for not giving Gary the dry rot job at Grasmere drive. With no other options, will Gary go back to security work?
Over at number one, Tracy confronts Simon as Peter protects his son. Realising the ridiculousness of their accusations, Peter throws Tracy and Steve out of the house.
Back at the flat, Amy informs her parents that she's keeping the baby. It's obviously not Simon's, so who is the father?.
That's all for this Wednesday, I shall be back same time, next week.
You can follow me @rybazoxo over on Twitter, your self-styled 'Cobbles Connoisseur'.
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I'm disappointed that Amy's pregnancy storyline has been reduced to a 'Who's the daddy'?storyline with Aadi Alahan and now Simon being falsely accused of being the father.Who's next,Max or Craig?
Amy needs to speak up and reveal who the father is now!
Sarah was out of line chastising her grandmother who is broke for not hiring Gary and getting a more qualified builder at a lower cost.
Audrey doesn't owe Sarah anything and Sarah needs to grow up and realise the word doesn't revolve around her.
Yes, Sarah is being given completely unreasonable, also demanding a pay rise from Nick because she needs the money, when she has done nothing to deserve it!
I think unlike the other teen pregnancies this one has made me lol. I think its comedy from Steve and Tracy and its fun viewing. I honestly don't mind it thus far and like this storyline from their perspective instead of Amy. It was also a nice touch to see her talk to Faye about it because the last time it happened to Faye they forgot she had Sarah to talk to..
The Sarah/Gary don't care and applauded when Aud mentioned they're always on/off. Get rid...
Why don't Gary and Sarah apply for a council house? Or ask to lodge with Chesney? He had Beth, Kirk, Sinead, himself and Joseph living there,so he must have the room. Who's living in the flat above Dev's shop now? Isn't that vacant? Surely Gary would have some money left from his high risk, high paid job abroad, and Sarah is working full- time, so they can't be that broke!
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