Wednesday 23rd January
TRACY KNOWS THAT AMY IS TELLING THE DADDY OF ALL LIES Tracy tries the softly softly approach with Amy, gently quizzing her about the father of her baby. Amy assures her it was consensual sex that took place at a party just before Christmas. As Amy discusses her situation with Simon, Steve clocks their exchange and jumps to conclusions. Meanwhile at the family planning clinic Amy is told she needs a scan before a termination. When the ultrasound reveals that Amy is in fact 10 weeks pregnant, Tracy turns to Amy demanding the truth.
AUDREY DROPS A BOMBSHELL FOR GARY Sarah’s at her wit’s end living at the Platts and begs Nick to give her a pay rise but he refuses. Gary’s gutted to hear that he’s lost out on the contract for Audrey’s house as she’s had a cheaper quote.
ROY GETS BAD NEWS, ON A BAD DAY Over lunch in the bistro, Roy and Carla reminisce about Hayley but they’re interrupted by Shona who tells Roy that Sylvia’s been taken seriously ill.
ELSEWHERE Abi’s acing her interview but when the interviewer asks Abi about the gaps in her CV she becomes flustered and claims she was travelling in Botswana, leading to some very tricky questions.
Wednesday 23rd January
TRACY FEARS AMY IS KEEPING IT IN THE FAMILY The nurse explains that at her late stage Amy will need a surgical termination. Amy’s horrified. When Steve reveals his suspicions about Simon, Tracy reads a text from Simon on Amy’s phone and sets off on the warpath. In front of Peter, Tracy accuses Simon of getting Amy pregnant. Simon denies it but it’s clear he’s hiding something. After speaking to Faye about her experience, Amy has a change of heart.
EVELYN FUMES AT TYRONE’S AMATUER DIAGNOSIS When Tyrone finds out that Evelyn failed to show up for bingo and forgot to collect Ruby from school, he’s quietly concerned. Tyrone suggests she should see a doctor as he’s worried about her memory but Evelyn refuses.
THE PRESSURE MOUNTS ON GARY When Sarah finds out Gary had lunch with Nicola and he failed to secure Audrey’s contract, she’s furious. Desperate for some cash, Gary phones his old mate Joe.
Elsewhere Having tied herself in Botswanian knots, Abi admits she’s never been travelling but has done several stints in prison. Has she lost her chance? Roy phones the hospital and is shocked to discover Sylvia’s had a heart attack.
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