Monday 21st January
LIZ IS SHOCKED AS AMY CONFESSES HER SECRET Amy bunks off school and attends a family planning clinic, explaining to the nurse she’s pregnant and needs the abortion pill. But when the nurse insists she must discuss her situation with an adult first, Amy leaves upset. As Tracy gets a call from school to say Amy is missing, Amy texts Liz and asks to meet in the urban garden where she drops the bombshell that she’s pregnant and needs Liz to accompany her for an abortion. How will Liz react?
AUDREY HAS A SINKING FEELING Audrey explains that the dry rot is much worse than she thought, the floor has collapsed and she’ll have to move out. To David’s annoyance, Gail insists Audrey must move in with them.
SINEAD BONDS WITH HER BABY Sinead reaches into the incubator and tentatively touches Bertie bu
ELSEWHERE When Abi reveals she’s got a job interview, Abi becomes Sally’s next project as she works on her presentation and interview skills. Having discovered that his bed hasn’t been slept in, Carla confides in Shona that she’s worried about Roy as it’s the anniversary of Hayley’s death. When Carla takes a call from Sylvia and still can’t locate Roy she reports him missing to the police.
Monday 21st January
AMY TESTS STEVE AND TRACY’S PATIENCE Convincing her she needs to speak to her Mum and Dad, Liz leads a nervous Amy home. Whilst Tracy remains calm, Steve flies off the handle and storming into the corner shop accuses Aadi of getting Amy pregnant. Amy’s mortified to realise that now the whole school will be talking about her. When Steve demands to know who the Dad is, will Amy give his name?
SARAH’S ASPIRATIONS ARE DEFLATED With Audrey having moved in, Sarah’s horrified to learn that she and Gary are now on lilos on the living room floor. Aware of the pressure she’s putting on the family, Audrey tells Gary that if the price is right she’d like him to fix her dry rot. Gary’s thrilled when Nicola arrives on the street to visit Eileen. But Sarah inwardly fumes when she clocks the designer clothes Gary bought Zack for Christmas. Nicola reminds Gary he’s behind with his maintenance payments but he assures her it’s in hand as he’s just landed a big contract.
CARLA IS RELIEVED WHEN ROY RETURNS Roy returns home to find Carla giving a description of him to the police. Roy apologises for causing any inconvenience, explaining he spent the night train spotting and he’s sorry for worrying her.
ELSEWHERE The nurse assures Sinead that she did nothing wrong and Bertie is making good progress.
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Roy's bed hasn't been slept in??? Pretty sure Roy makes his bed with army corners the second he gets out of it, so how would Carla know?
Sorry, but I think the young actress who plays Amy Barlow can only portray one emotion - anger. That's fine for stroppy teenage sulks but not when your grandma is comforting you when you're upset about being 14 and preggers. Amy was struggling to force a tear out. It was painful to watch. Actors should be able to portray a range of emotions.If you can't, you won't convince the audience- it's as simple as that.
Here we go again with the ever present teenage pregnancy. First Sarah, then Anna's girl now Amy...why do the writer's turn to well worn story lines instead of coming up with something new and original?
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