Friday 18th January
DAVID HAS THE SALON NICKED FROM UNDER HIM Gary breaks the news to Audrey that it’s going to cost thousands to fix the dry rot in her house. Devastated, Audrey realises she’ll have to sell the salon. Audrey summons Claudia and suggests she might like to buy her share of the business. Claudia jumps at the opportunity but when David returns he’s furious to discover Audrey has sold out to Claudia. David loses his temper and tells Claudia she can stick his job.
TRACY DISCOVERS DANIEL’S SECRET Announcing that he’s changed his mind, Steve presents Tracy with an ovulation test kit. Tracy’s horrified. Meanwhile when Tracy finds out from Beth that Daniel is keeping the news on Bertie’s health from Sinead, she vows to put things right.
ELSEWHERE As Kate ploughs on with their wedding plans, Rana reckons they should wait until they know the outcome of Johnny’s trial. Kate’s adamant he won’t be sent down.
Friday 18th January
When Tracy muses that having another baby might be a good thing, Mary points out she should consider Amy’s feelings too. As Steve and Tracy make a list of the pros and cons of having another baby, they’re interrupted by Amy who makes it clear she thinks it’s a terrible idea.
DAVID MAKES A DEAL WITH OLD NICK David shows Audrey the empty premises on Victoria Street and announces that he and Nick are going to open a barbers’ shop. Audrey, Claudia and Maria are stunned.
SINEAD FINALLY GETS TO CUDDLE HER TEDDY Daniel wheels Sinead to the premature baby unit to meet Bertie. Sinead’s overcome with emotion as she gazes at her tiny son.
ELSEWHERE When Mary overhears Rana moaning that Kate can’t afford the wedding dress of her dreams, she suggests Carla could get the girls to make it at cost.
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Here we go again. Rana wants to wait till after Johnny's trial and Kate is just doing her own thing.
Agreed, Chez. Also Kate in a sulk because she can’t have a £5000 dress. No mention of what poor Rana will get to wear.
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