So Carla and Ali, does she really have feelings for him or is it just a bit of fun?
I think it came as a shock to her, she wasn’t looking for anything with him but then she is apparently sex-starved and after the fling with Daniel there hasn’t been anyone else. He pounces on her, she hasn’t got an inkling it’s coming. Yes he’s good to talk to, he’s a grown up man now, he’s fit and she’s a red blooded girl so I think she just gave in when it was on offer. Afterwards you can see she does actually really like him, they get on but once the repercussions of her actions sink in to her brain, the fact that Michelle could find out and be really hurt, then she tries to pull back.
Is Carla worried about how Michelle will react if she finds out?
She’s trying to keep it all under wraps but she thinks that Ali’s a loose cannon and maybe he’s trying to hurt Michelle and that’s why he did this in the first place. She knows it’s not an ideal situation but she does really like him.
It’s soap so this won’t stay hidden for long, how does Michelle react when she catches them kissing? And seeing Michelle’s reaction how does that make Carla feel?
Ali chances it again by kissing her in a public place, this time it’s outside Michelle’s flat, Carla reciprocates and Michelle comes out and catches them kissing. Michelle’s really shocked and hurt, she wants to know whether it’s gone further, what’s going on between them. She doesn’t give Carla much chance to explain, although there’s not much Carla can say apart from sorry. In Michelle’s mind that’s them done because Carla’s hurt her so much.
Seeing how upset Michelle is, does that bother Carla?
Yes it really does, Michelle's her best friend, they’re like sisters so it couldn’t be any worse. Ali wants to take their relationship further but this makes Carla pull back. There isn’t actually anything going on, they’ve only slept together that one time and her relationship with Michelle is more important to her than a relationship with him.
Alongside this mess Carla is also aware that Robert has been taking steroids, how worried is she about Michelle?
She’s seen Robert buying steroids, she’s also seen bruises on Michelle’s arms and him acting in an aggressive manner towards her so she’s worried for her friend first and foremost. Although Carla’s upset over the Ali thing she still wants to tell Michelle about Robert, even those he’s said he’s stopped, so she can make up her own mind. Carla doesn't believe the bruises are as innocent as they are and she’s more bothered about Michelle than her beating herself up over Ali. She actually loves Michelle so much that’s by the by as long as she does the right thing and tells her about Robert.
How does Michelle react when Carla tells her about Robert’s steroid use?
At first she doesn’t believe Carla, but then she asks her how long she’s known and Carla just tells her the truth and tells her to talk to Robert.
Do you think Carla and Michelle can get their relationship back on track?
Michelle tells Carla she’s not coming to her wedding, it’s for friends and close family only but in true Carchelle fashion hopefully Carla will put out her bottom lip and say sorry I miss you enough times that Michelle will forgive her. But how long that will take I don’t know.
Do you enjoy playing out the Carchelle relationship?
I hope that they do get back on track because I would miss working with the Kym Marsh because she makes me belly laugh. I hope they don’t keep us apart for too long.
If Carla doesn’t end up with Ali, who on the street do you think she could be paired with?
I think the Peter/Carla/Toyah angle is very interesting, there’s definitely unfinished business there and their chemistry is undeniable. I also love Carla’s relationship with Roy, I love the awkward dynamic there in the house, it’s really growing and I’m loving that. Men wise she needs a rugged male, maybe Nick should come back or maybe Imran but I’m not sure he’s rough enough for her.
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Did they bring Carla back for this? No career - though that might change. Queasy relationship - though that might change. Back in the old routine: drinking wine (which seems to be more than the recommended units, the writers would probably disagree), heading for a reunion with Peter. Perhaps Carla and Michelle are icons for the new generation of viewers, but I am not a bit interested in either of them. I sense a 'Pro-Carla' blog in the offing.
Nick? Rugged? (splutter, splutter...)
I was hoping to see a character who matures after so much romantic turmoil and now, just after a major health threat. OK so she gives the factory to Aidan but then no big deal as she's got no heirs so it's not unexpected. I've never been satisfied with the path this character has taken --- she's little more than yet another bitchy woman who goes through boytoys quickly and easily and occasionally in the process meets up with psychos --- Tony and Frank... I've no interest in such a flat, uninteresting character. She should just go back to where she escaped to after Nick dropped her.
Chaise, I agree, have never been a big fan of Carla. And am completely underwhelmed by her return. Still living with Roy - ridiculous. If she has so much money why doesn't she have her own place. In my humble opinion her friendship with Roy isn't very realistic at all. We all know that she will end up back with Peter.
Jeanie (anon): And where did she get all this money? I thought the gambling problem left her in dire straits, which is why she had to sell to Aidan in the first place. I've never been a big fan of the character; but she was okay as the hard-bitten, sexy, tough-talking businesswoman--the only factory owner who really matched Mike B. --combining equal parts nastiness, charisma, and selfishness. But now she is just being portrayed so self-indulgently, as a simpering fairy godmother who floats around helping everyone--even dispensing romantic advice and a sexy outfit to Sinead, for goodness sake! Is this really what the actress wanted to come back for?!
I agree with popcorn, Nick was so far from rugged he's almost feminine.
I've never liked Carla - I've seen people comparing her to the late great Elsie Tanner......Carla isn't fit to clean her shoes!
I'm not a fan of this Carla/Ali/Michelle storyline. I think Carla deserves better than to be lumbered with this rubbish.
Why not give her a storyline where she keeps being drawn back to Peter and vice versa. They have history and chemistry, which both actors have suggested could lead to something. It would be far more interesting to watch.
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