The taxi firm, established in 2000, is owned by Steve McDonald and Tim Metcalfe. Tim's wife Sally bought Lloyd Mullaney's share in the company for Tim last year. Peter Barlow is a driver for the company and Eileen Phelan works on the switchboard, alongside the unseen but often spoken about Fat Brenda.
Nuttall's Brewery
There's changes at the brewery - signs around the construction works on site say that they're refreshing their premises for the future, and we know from planning applications submitted to Salford Council that there will be some sort of new shopfront here in the not too distant future. I wonder if we'll see someone working at the brewery?
Prima Doner Kebab Shop
Another business in Dev's empire, the shop at the end of Victoria Street is managed by Chesney Brown (or atleast was, though I have a feeling he'll come back soon), and Gemma Winter and Cathy Matthews work here. The shop was previously Jerry's takeaway, and before that it operated as a bakery under management of Diggory Compton, and a hardware shop owned by Sally Webster and Danny Hargreaves.
Roy's Rolls
Roy's Rolls is probably the most famous cafe in Britain and is owned by the legendary Roy Cropper. Yasmeen Nazir, Alex Warner and Shona Ramsay work alongside Roy, who always runs a tight ship. He bought the original cafe on Rosamund Street back in 1998 and alongside former co-owner Gail Rodwell, oversaw a move to Victoria Street the following year.
Jamila House Community Centre
The community centre is a small business run by Yasmeen Nazir in the premises formerly occupied by Fred Elliott's vacant butcher shop. It is named after her late daughter-in-law Jamila.
Barlow-Grimshaw Solicitors
Cunning Adam Barlow roped friend Todd Grimshaw into becoming business partner in his latest venture, a solicitors office, which opened within the former residential property 10 Victoria Street. Ditsy Rosie Webster just wormed herself a job here as PA.
Jason's Construction
Jason's Construction is the builders yard owned by Jason Grimshaw and managed by his step-father Pat Phelan who uses it to mask his devious behaviour. Pat even gave his wife Eileen a job there as administrator just to stop her suspicions. Troubled teen Seb Franklin works here as part of his rehabilitation scheme.
V Court Fitness
So apparently someone just bought this big old useless building from owner Dev Alahan, who was thrown into a whole load of debt by former co-owner Sharif Nazir when he..ahem..disappeared. I wonder what the old gym will turn into? It was last seen as a hiding place for Rob Donovan when he escaped from prison.
Weatherfield Council
Brian Packham is the recycling czar and litter enforcement officer at the council. Sounds boring? It probably is. But it suits Brian just fine.
Metcalfe & Son Window Cleaning
Owned by Tim Metcalfe, his wife Sally thought that adding '& Son' to the name of his new window cleaning venture would make it more professional to potential new clients. He now owns half of Streetcars and is far too busy to clean windows himself, so Sophie Webster does the job for him. Glamorous Rosie has just quit the business to work at Barlow-Grimshaw.
So there you have it. If you can think of any other workplaces, let me know and I'll add them to the list. I was going to add Weathy High, Gazette and Bessie St School but there's not a lot you can say when nobody on screen works there currently. There's one thing for sure though, this list is gonna need a lot of updating when the new set is finished and on-screen next year!
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Also Anna Windass works at Roy's Rolls
There are two residents with jobs off the Street. Craig works as an officer trainee out of the local police station and Billy is the vicar of some church nearby. Does anybody remember the station's address or the name of the church?
The Church is St Mary's Church.
The Police Station might be just Weatherfield Police Station.
You missed the fact'ry, the medical center, Audrey's salon, Dev's shop, Preston's Petals, Nick's Bistro, etc.
I think know they were in Who Works Where Part 1 posted a couple of weeks ago.
Nice job, Michael! Interesting that the fitness club would be chosen to go by show runners. So now no one on Corrie will have an exercise routine? Even when it was open, I can't think of any characters who went there regularly, or didn't just drop their membership with little mention of it.
t was a small space & could have been thought out better beforehand to make it more interesting. I've never seen a gym where the exercise equipment is visible from the front reception desk. I guess the logistics of speaking lines while exercising, costume changes and generally interacting with neighbours in a gym does kind of limit a sense of naturalness in front of cameras.
Does Tyrone still work for STreetcars, too?
Where is Tyrone lately? He seems to drop in for a line or two, then disappears.
What about the chippy and the new building under the rovers arch
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