Gary Windass gets ready to leave Coronation Street next week – but doubts creep in when he meets up with Joe and secretly signs the documents for his job in the Ukraine.
When u Sarah tells him they’ve got an appointment for the Parent Support session, Gary covers his guilt, hoping he’ll be back by then.
Then, Alya’s intrigued when she witnesses Gary collecting a certificate of health from the medical centre. Cornering him in the café, Gary is forced to explain that he’s signed up for some dangerous security work in the Ukraine in a bid to clear his debts.
Alya’s horrified but reluctantly agrees to deliver letters for Gary should anything happen to him. However when she unwittingly drops the letter marked ‘Sarah’, will Sarah get to read the contents before Gary leaves for the airport?
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This seems a very contrived storyline. Is Mikey North in a play somewhere and due to return in a few months?
I find also find the storyline contrived especially since the person Gary confides in is Alya and not Izzy,the mother of their son.
I do find it interesting that Gary cannot confide in Sarah,perhaps his feelings for her weren't as deep as she thought?
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