Welcome to another Wednesday Weatherfield review. A short and sharp synopsis (with opinion) of all the latest goings on, down our favourite street.
Tonight's episode is bookended by blundering builder Gary Windass, and the fall-out from his disastrous attempt at alcohol-fuelled house building. After Monday night's uninsured accident leaving him with a heavy £10k legal bill (is it always £10k?), by the end of tonight's episode, he's taking the dangerous security work in Ukraine with 'old mate' Joe (and Gemma's phone number).
Long-suffering Sarah Platt would have been none-the-wiser (when is she ever?) of his accident if it wasn't for scouse stirrer Phelan. Even after last week's Catholic confessional and sudden fatherhood, Pat is quickly up to his old tricks. Personally, I prefer Pat in his psychotic pathological liar persona, and tonight he was in fine form. Gary, however, has to find money as Sarah drops a deposit on a potential flat, which she also did with Pat's flat (!?).
Another turnaround in character appears to be Weatherfield's 'glasses wearer of the year' Will. Quickly installed as Maria's latest beau (how many is that now?), it was also revealed that he reveled in Michelle's kidnapping and subtly disposed of that (not)subtly placed keyring. Weatherfield plod is on the case, and even in the same room as the guilty-party, they are none-the-wiser, too (a lot of that going on tonight). Whilst Michelle has fallen deep into Robert's masculinity and newly acquired butch persona, I struggle with this sudden change of direction and storyline, if I'm honest...zzz.
I myself have had a sudden change of heart with the comedy entwining of Steve and Leanne. It has been inspired and I am looking forward to their eventual post-coital family (Battersby can't half down that prosecco). With two of the finest actors on the street (in my opinion), this has 'Jack & Vera' potential.
Also, a potential at Barlow solicitors is dozy Rosie Webster as she continues to pursue her PA dream 'legally blonde', or 'illegally blonde' as superbly quipped by Todd.
On a side note, it was wonderful to see the other 'illegally blonde' Gemma, as she continues to light up any scene. From goading ginger Chesney to flirting with Joe, she has me in hysterics.
As Gary seeks secret liaisons with Joe, Steve and Leanne raise a toast to themselves. I do hope these two 'get together' by the end of the week. Unlike Robert & Michelle, Maria and Will or indeed Sinead and Chesney, I see a real relationship with those two, agree?.
As for Gary's departure to the MI5 in the Ukraine, I do wonder what's in store for his future with Sarah (don't read the press releases, Ryan!).
Anyway, that's me done for another week, I'm off shop-fitting in Hamburg. See ya!
I am @rybazoxo
Editor @Drunkonmusic2
New Music DJ @PenistoneFM

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I agree re Steve and Leanne. The comedy works brilliantly and I think a relationship based initially on friendship could really work. Nick and Peter were so humourless and life with them was full of stress and misery. Leanne deserves someone who can make her laugh, and Steve deserves someone who appreciates his good nature. It's great that Liz approves too.
I agree, the more I see them together, the more it's obvious that Steve and Leanne were always meant to be together. Let's hope outside forces don't start to interfere!
Cannot abide Gemma.
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