AIDAN’S BLACKMAILED BY A DESPERATE ADAM In order to raise some cash for the deposit on the flat, Aidan decides to sell his car. Eva feels guilty but her resolve hardens when Maria flashes him a wistful smile from across the street. Adam tries to blackmail Aidan over the photograph when Aidan refuses to pay up, Adam orders him to tell Eva the truth. Eva stares at Aidan, her heart in her mouth if she is ‘told’ about the affair her revenge is over.
SHONA MAKES DAVID AN OFFER HE CAN’T REFUSE David calls at No.11 and implores Shona to help him track down Lara, another of Nathan’s victims, in a bid to help Bethany get the justice she deserves.
PHELAN TAKES HIS FRUSTRATIONS OUT ON SEB Clearly in a foul mood, Phelan heads out to price up a job. Seb’s intrigued to see that Phelan has been googling Nicola, his case manager. Having surveyed the new solicitors’ offices, Phelan breaks the news to Adam that the electrics will set him back £4k. Phelan blames himself for coming on too strong and scaring Nicola away. At work he has a go at Seb and tells him he is fired.
ELSEWHERE After spending the night together, Brian and Cathy discuss possible nicknames for each other. Brian shows Cathy his megaphone, explaining his council duties have expanded to include litter enforcement. As Brian takes up his litter enforcement role and berates Phelan for dropping a sweet wrapper, Cathy watches him admiringly.
ADAM DISCOVERS EVA’S SECRET Having realised that Adam must know about Aidan’s affair but desperate to keep him quiet, Eva pretends to faint. Whilst Aidan fetches her some water, Eva orders Adam to meet her in the ginnel. Adam heads out intrigued. In the ginnel, Adam shows Eva the photo of Aidan snogging Maria. Eva asks Adam to stop blackmailing Aidan as she wants to forget about his affair for the sake of their baby. Adam reluctantly agrees.
SEB LETS NICOLA IN ON A SECRET Seb quizzes Eileen about Phelan’s obsession with Nicola and is fascinated to learn that she may be his daughter. Eileen finally admits to Phelan how she went to see Nicola and showed her the photo of him and Linda hoping it would do some good but her plan backfired. As Phelan absorbs the news, Eileen goes on to reveal that Seb knows that Nicola might be his daughter. How will Seb use this info?
DAVID OFFERS SHONA AN OLIVE BRANCH David and Shona steer Lara to a café and urge her to grass Nathan up to the police, not just for Bethany’s sake but for all the girls whose lives he’s ruined. Will she agree to help?
ELSEWHERE Having taken delivery of some new salt and pepper mills, Roy’s annoyed to discover the receipt is missing. Spotting this, Brian brandishes the receipt at Roy explaining that he found it on the street and that makes him a litter lout. Roy’s stunned as Brian issues him with a Fixed Penalty Notice.
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OH MY GOD!!! Enough with the stupid storylines involving Brian!! He's been given some rubbish stuff to do but this takes the bloody biscuit!! See, it's riling me up enough to swear!!!!
Why does Adam need to pay to rewire a building he's renting? Its the landlord's responsibility - especially when it's a health and safety matter. Particularly now, of all times, given current events.
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