CHESNEY GETS CAUGHT IN THE CROSSFIRE After a heart to heart Chesney and Sinead agree to give their relationship another chance and Chesney decides to go and see Daniel at the Bistro to lay their differences to rest. Meanwhile the restaurant is in chaos as a clearly wired Rich is demanding Robert launder his drugs money or he will reveal Robert’s past to Michelle. Rich grabs a broken bottle as Chesney enters the bistro. Rich swings the bottle, slashing Chesney who collapses to the ground clutching his stab wound!
EILEEN’S PARANOID ABOUT PHELAN’S PAST Eileen’s put out to find Phelan perusing some old love letters. Her curiosity getting the better of her, Eileen has a furtive glance through Phelan’s love letters. She’s upset at what she finds. Eileen confides in Steve that she’s upset having read Phelan’s old love letters to a previous girlfriend. Steve advises her to let sleeping dogs lie.
ADAM’S BACK AND HE HAS PLANS TO RAISE CASH FOR HIS NEW BUSINESS Adam returns from London and announces he’s renting No.10 Victoria Street as his new business premises. Adam corners Aidan and having revealed that he took the photo of his illicit kiss with Maria, demands £5k to secure his silence. Aidan tells Eva that he’s booked her an appointment at the doctors so they can arrange her first scan.
ELSEWHERE Todd puts pressure on Billy to ignore Drew’s parents and attend the funeral for Summer’s sake. When a parcel arrives at No.4 for Gina, Rosie unwraps it and is bemused to see that it’s a commemorative plate costing over £80. Sally’s furious to realise Gina’s wasted the money she leant her for her electricity bill on a plate.
MICHELLE’S FLOORED BY ROBERT’S SECRET PAST Rich drops the bottle and does a runner. Meanwhile Daniel tends to Chesney’s wound and does his best to stem the flow of blood. Whilst they wait for the ambulance, Daniel talks to Chesney, desperate to try and keep him conscious. Having found out from Robert about Chesney’s injuries, Sinead rushes to the bistro. When she sees blood soaked Daniel cradling Chesney, Sinead assumes Daniel must have attacked him. Daniel’s hurt that she could think such a thing. The paramedics arrive and Chesney is loaded into an ambulance. Robert admits to Michelle that Rich wants him to launder money.
EVA’S LEFT TO PLOT ALONE Aidan accompanies Eva to her doctor’s appointment. Aidan calls in the salon and warns Maria that Adam took the incriminating photo. He then lies to Maria telling her that Eva’s very ill which is why he hasn’t been able to dump her. Maria’s unimpressed. Eva rants at Leanne telling her how she intends to have her revenge on Aidan.
EILEEN’S PLAN BACKFIRES Eileen meets up with Nicola and showing her a photo of her mother and Phelan in happier times, tries to persuade her to give Phelan a chance. But upset to think her mother cheated on the man she thought was her dad, Nicola tells Eileen if she sees either of them again, she’ll call the police.
ELSEWHERE Gina plays Sally and Sophie off against each other over the money she has borrowed from each of them. Adam calls in the florists and secretly steals some paperwork. On the phone to the estate agent, Adam lies, telling them Tracy has agreed to be his guarantor. Meanwhile he copies her signature from the stolen paperwork.
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