Is Eva Price a modern day Coronation Street icon? I say YAY most definitely. For me, Eva's up there with the likes of other modern day Corrie icons such as Liz McDonald, Carla Connor, Roy Cropper. I've compiled a list of my favourite icons here.
Eva is pink and girly and sweet to the point of being sickly. But she's got a rod of iron running through her - and woe betide anyone who upsets her. Her current obsession with getting revenge on Aidan will surely turn around so that Eva will start to show her steely side and chuck him out before dumping her 'mate' Maria.
She can go off to France for a while to gather her thoughts and paint her nails before coming back strong and tougher and pinker and sweeter than ever.
Eva 4ever. Is she a Coronation Street icon - Yay or Nay? What do you say?
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Not yet. She's still a bit peripheral. At the moment her storylines have been relatively small - infidelities, workplace arguments, family bust ups. The minor day to day stuff of the show. She's not had a blockbusting major plotline built around her the same way Steve or Leanne or David have. She's a great character, but if Catherine Tyldesley decided to leave tomorrow, there wouldn't be much of a hole left behind. She'd be a loss, yes, but it's not the same as, say, Roy deciding to leave the show.
I love Eva.. She is the most fun to watch. I was pulling that Aidan would see it & dump that loser Maria. Maria is only turned on by other ppl's men. Aidan has now lost his sex appeal. Hoping Eva's next Guy is Adam or someone hot & new.
I always think 'icon' implies 'one of a kind'. Definitely, Roy, Hilda, Elsie, Alec were icons. You can be an icon and an archetype at the same time. I don't think Eva is either of those. She hasn't had a meaty enough story to show her character's many layers - if they are there to be shown. I don't want her reunited with Aidan so she'll have to leave the factory. Eva is one of the few characters in Corrie who has potential to grow.
A definite Yay for me!I'm so glad Eva is finally getting a strong storyline, looking forward to watching the drama unfold.
I love Eva. She's far too good for Aidan. What do all these women see in him? Hope she doesn't turn into Raquel always falling for the wrong bloke. She needs a juicy storyline, not revolving round her love life
How could she possibly be an icon? She has only been around for a few years. I love Eva, and think she has the potential to become an icon, but she is not there yet.
Not yet but she's getting there. I do think she'll be one if this revenge storyline is done right.
Eva reminds me a lot of Raquel so I would say nay. Although I love her she isn't unique.
I love Eva, too but perhaps not an icon just yet. If she stays long enough, though, she's got the potential. I hope once her knowledge of the affair comes out that she'll be taking some revenge on Maria, though. It's not really fair to focus just on Aidan. It takes two!
It would be worth it just to have a couple called Adam & Eva!
I like her, but in my mind she needs at least another 10 years on the Street before she can be called an icon.
Definitely one in the making. A firm favorite since Carla, my old favorite, left. Eva was once such a bitch and I love the way she's grown since Stella left and she got on with Leanne. I want her to get bigger storylines like Carla did, as she seems to be forming into the latest femme fatale
She's hot on the heels of Elsie Tanner but she's not quite an icon yet.
I agree she's not an icon yet, for the same reasons others have mentioned above. But she's getting there. She's got an interesting family tree on the street, and she can handle a larger storyline - remember when she helped that girl being held prisoner a while back?
I love Eva and I'm excited to see her exact some her revenge. I also think it's massive character improvement that she didn't confront them right away - the Eva that arrived on the street a few years back certainly wouldn't have been able to stay this calm and collected! I half expect to see her looking out the window at the pair of them, while stroking her pet cat, like a criminal mastermind lol
As much as I love Eva, I'm going to have to say no. That could change though, depending on how this current and future storylines go. I think she's got the possibilities, but we need to see more of her character, and not the usual same stuff. I do have to say that I am loving this revenge storyline though, so far, so good!
That's a YAY from me!
Nooooooo!!!!! Too much of an air head.
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