In the last couple of weeks, it's struck me just how much more I enjoy watching Corrie now than I did a few months ago. Don't get me wrong, I never missed an episode but it felt like something was missing. I can't put my finger on it but recently, for me, that Corrie spark we all know and love full of humour and gripping storylines has definitely returned.
As Corrie gears up to get its summer storylines underway, the episodes seem to have a bit more going on in them. This last week in particular has been phenomenal, I've not wanted the episodes to end. From Eva's revenge to bloodshed in the Bistro, there's just the right balance of gripping tension and witty one-liners. I've made a little list of my highlights from this week, beginning 3rd July, and to be honest it was hard to whittle it down. I've done my best though and I hope you agree!
Eva's Revenge
The whole Aidan/Maria/Eva love triangle scenario was starting to wear thin with me. As with every soap, affair storylines have been repeated time and time again and just as I'd decided I'd had enough, bunny boiler Eva stepped out onto the cobbles with her designer handbag in one hand, Aidan's credit card nicely placed in the other.
I cannot express my love for Eva in revenge-mode enough. This week we saw Leanne step aboard the revenge train and my first highlight for this week, and this storyline in fact, was the purchase of the pink Range Rover. Now that couldn't have come cheap but the look on Aidan's face was priceless.
Adam and Todd's Law Firm
Way back in the beginning of the year, Corrie introduced us to the idea of Todd Grimshaw and Adam Barlow opening their own law firm, read my previous blog about that here. I always thought this was a stroke of genius but I was disappointed when it went down the pan after Todd had had enough of Adam's lack of diligence.
But at last, 'Black Sheep Solicitors' has become a reality, albeit not with that catchy title. Settling for 'Barlow-Grimshaw' with the cheesy (but I like it) slogan, "In It To Win It", I'm positive there's many great scenes to come with these two and I cannot wait.
Phelan and Nicola
Phelan and Nicola's storyline continued this week and I'm really enjoying it at the moment. A little while ago we were introduced to feisty Nicola Rubenstein who, by judging her tough nature, could well and truly be the offspring of Pat Phelan, the Corrie crook who everyone loves to hate.
This week, Eileen found her husband reminiscing over old love letters and as much as she tried, she couldn't help but feel odd about it. Pat genuinely did look distraught over the whole situation so Mrs Phelan thought if she could talk to Nicola alone, she might be able to win her round. However, Nicola was less than impressed and threatened Eileen with the police, not ideal and certainly not the expected outcome.
So, they're my highlights from a pretty jam-packed week, what were yours?
Written by Sophie Williams.
Twitter: sophie_jw26

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My best scenes this week were when Jenny and Johnny got back together. Their love and joy made me cry!
I'm really enjoying Nicola, too. I really like her character so far. It's disconcerting to see Phelan this vulnerable and I'm not sure I like his apparent possible redemption but he's still a baddie and has to pay for his sins in the long run.
Maria's affair with Aidan is frustrating for me because he's being such a cliche love rat, wanting both women,not willing to break it off with one or the other in order to juggle them both. I just can't get my head around why Aidan would find Maria to be so lust-worthy when he's got the lushious Eva.
The shoe's on the other foot now with regards to Eileen finding Phelan's love letters.
Eileen had no qualms about having an affair with married fireman Paul whose wife Leslie had Alzheimer's but now she feels threatened by Phelan's past loves? A bit hyporcritical.
I also don't like Phelan's past crimes being whitewashed and forgotten.He's a villain who deserves to get his comeuppance!
I'd definitely add when Todd and Billy decided to attend the funeral after all, especially when we got to hear Billy's lovely singing voice.
Jeanie (anon):
Agree there are a lot of great stories on the go at the moment. For some weird reason, I'm really enjoying Mary's developing relationship with Adam...the affection between them seems so genuine and softens Adam's character nicely--he's still a rogue with his eye on the main chance but now has a little more heart. Too bad it will be Rosie who's his PA, not Mary--who would be formidable! As a huge Mary fan (even in her wierdest moments), I'm so excited to see her being integrated into more story lines and made more likeable. They're also presenting her differently in dress and appearance--in a way that gives her a childlike innocence and appeal--not glamorous but a sweet radiance that suggests an inner beauty. Love it! Perhaps this transformed Mary will become the new Hayley.
I am loving Mary at the moment, with particular regard to her involvement in the Bethany storyline. Every line Patti Clare spoke on Friday had me captivated. She is brilliant!
Completely agree on what people are saying about Mary. To me, Patti is a sensational actress. Her scenes lately have been so raw, so emotional and I've teared up more than once. I used to not be a fan of Mary, but now she's my favorite character. I think the Bethany storyline has also helped Mary cope with her rape and she's been able to speak more open about it. Two unlikely friends healing each other's pain. Well done Corrie!!!
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