Since she moved back to chez Battsersby-Brown-Tinker-Sutherland, Sinead's reverted to her previous self: wet, whiny, and indecisive. She was miserable most of the time she was with Daniel, but at least had a bit of spark. Anyway, Chesney reads the riot act to Sinead - either they're getting back together or she should leave him alone. After having a heart to heart with Aunty Beth, she decides that she and Ches should be a couple again - until she finds out Chesney threatened Daniel. Ches wants to sort it out with Daniel so he goes to the Bistro, but unfortunately walks into another storyline:-
Robert secures a loan from the bank to buy out Nick, but his triumph is short lived as he returns to find a
high Rich at the Bistro, a high and threatening Rich, who says he will
tell Michelle about "Catherine" if Robert doesn't start laundering like
Dot Cotton. He gets more and more agitated and aggressive until he
threatens Robert with a broken bottle, which Chesney (literally) walks into. As Michelle phones an ambulance and Robert chases Rich, it's up to Daniel to keep the pressure on Chesney's wound and keep him awake (the Bistro in-house First Aid course must be good). Sinead arrives at the same time as the paramedics and jumps to the conclusion that it was Daniel who attacked our Ches. Did anyone notice the extra filming the ambulance as it drove off? That was a realistic, if gruesome, touch. Robert finally 'fesses up that the reason he knows Rich is because he used to be Robert's dealer.
I got it wrong re: Nicola and Phelan - I assumed that it was she who suspected Pat was her dad, and he was the one with a crush. In the meantime, Eileen finds Phelan's old love letters to Nicola's mum, Annabel. Steve tells Eileen to forget about it, but that's as likely to happen as Eileen is to organise a surprise birthday party for Gail. Instead of reading them, she shows them and a photograph of Pat and Annabel to Nicola, who is not interested and tells Eileen to leave her alone, otherwise she'll get the police involved.
Adam has a new haircut, a new (old) flatmate (Daniel), and a new plan - to rent a shop for his solicitor business and that Aidan will pay for it. He meets Mr Connor Jnr to demand £5K for his silence re: Aidan and Maria and for Eva to remain in wedded blissful ignorance. Adam offers to put money in Amy's saving account in return for Tracy acting as guarantor on the shop. Tracy, despite usually using Amy's account as a piggy bank, declines, but Adam goes ahead anyway, employing the same trick he used before: flirt with and distract Mary to get what he wants, which is Tracy's signatory.
It's all about the money, money, money tonight. Gina buys a cake for Sally to thank her for lending her £88 to pay her electricity bill at her old flat, although newly blonde Rosie tells her not to max out on sugar and toxins. Clean-eaters, spoiling food for everyone. Anyway, Gina hasn't paid the leccy bill, but instead bought an Otter hound commemorative plate. She pretends that she ordered the plate ages ago and that she's also paid the bill, and can pay Sally back - with money she borrowed from her niece. Sally's learning pretty quickly about the ups and downs of living with a bi-polar person.
And finally, Aidan takes Eva to the doctor where she fortunately doesn't have to take another test and she uses her "pregnancy" to take time off work, get Aidan to clean the cat's litter tray, and make sure she interrupts conversations between Aidan and Maria. She also gets his log in details (for a mystery website) and start spending of Aidan's hard-earned cash, but soon falls out with Leanne in the process. Before you embark on a journey of revenge, dig two graves, Eva!
Rachel Stevenson - on twitter

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So, what have otter hounds done that's they require commemorating? Just curious.
Rob Mallard played another blinder
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