It's been almost a full-time job keeping our list updated of who's leaving, joining or taking a break from Coronation Street!
It looks like Peter Barlow will be back first, followed by Adam Barlow and Daniel Osbourne. Brian Packham's coming back and as we know, the two lovely ladies Toyah Battersby and Rosie Webster (or Dozy Plebster as she'll be forever known in our house).
But which of these old characters are you looking forward to seeing the most?
My vote's on Toyah.
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I agree. Can't wait to see Toyah again. She is so much more 'grown up'.
I'm looking forward to most of them, but most curious to see Toyah again. She was a smart kid, went to college &c. Wouldn't it be lovely if she actually has a professional career?
Toyah, Peter and Brian.
I'm curious to know why the Barlow boys are back and why Brian needs to comfort Ken. It's most likely a teaser but it suggests either Audrey marries Freddie or, maybe just maybe, Tracy cops it somehow. I'm delighted Peter is coming back. Chris G has got more talent is in his little finger etc etc, and just as well because the directors don't have time to actually direct the actors.
Toyah and Brian, but only if they can have decent jobs and not be forced to resort to the pub/faktry/Streetcars to earn a crust.
All of them except for Brian (not without Julie!). I don't usually care about new characters, but I do get a real kick out of returning ones - particularly those with a rich Corrie history
Peter and Toyah. I was glad to see Rosie Webster go so unless she comes back drastically changed I'm OK with her staying away.
Peter and Rosie. A bit puzzled by the love for Toyah!
Brian - at least he was a calming person on the street - maybe Peter unless they write his role exactly as before in which case, no go. Maybe Toyah but definitely not Rosie - I'm sure she will act just the same as before, blah, blah, blah.
Definitely Peter and Toyah!
Before this week's announcement, I longed for Rosie to come back, but it doesn't look like it's permanent. Although I was very young when she left, I'm definitely most excited for Toyah and watching her return...
I just want our Emily back !!!
Yes, Emily. Peter too (if he's sober this time and stays that way).
Definitely Peter, then they can have Simon act up & his Da will be there to straighten him out.
ummm the *lovely* Peter...then Toyah!
Toyah! and Peter if he leaves Leeanne alone.
Rosie. Mainly because I adore Helen Flanagan
None of them...all are old, tired characters ...except Toyah as she is a character before my time with Corrie. I have always liked Natasha the hairdresser from back when we had Tony O'Brien. This character was among the last of the well-written, interesting ones to come to the Street and then go off in a memorable fashion ---sticking it to Gail the meddler and to her mama's boy Nick who just couldn't man up. There isn't any reasonable reason why she would come back after leaving in such a huff but I guess I wouldn't mind some kind of story where she comes to live or do business some blocks away and then drops in for lunch with friends at the bistro and spots Nick her heart-breaker there behind the counter.
Probably Peter. I reckon he'll be somewhat integrated in Leanne's story. It will be weird since Carla isn't here, the very reason he left the street remember. I wonder if Carla was still on the street, whether they'd ask to have Peter back. Again, if Peter plays a part in Leanne's story, it would be like a continuation of the love square we had 5 years ago! I couldn't imagine Oates going down that route again surely not! But it would be interesting. Could you imagine Leannejuggling Steve, Nick and Peter! Oh dear In terms of romantic interest, I can only see Peter getting with Toyah. There's no one single and age appropriate for peter which is interesting considering what Oats said about Peter's return.. Unless of course he returns with a new gf in tow , hmmm
Definitely Peter and Rosie.
I'm still hoping that she somehow found and feel back in love with her ex Craig.
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