In an interview with the Manchester Evening News, Antony Cotton says that his character Sean will find love again. But that's not what I'm blogging about.
Antony also tells the MEN that he's going to get a housemate when Norris takes in another lodger. Yes, another lodger. Either that means Emily is coming back... or someone else moves in and we'll never see her again.
Who might the new lodger be, I wonder?
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Sadly, my suspicion is that Emily is not coming back. When she left in early January she was only supposed to be away for six months but this is now October and there is no word of her returning. I feel that if she was coming back she would have returned by now. As far as I am aware there has been nothing reported in the media concerning Eileen Derbyshire's reasons for leaving and I hope she is ok. If she is definitely not coming back I hope she is given a proper exit storyline even if she does not appear in person. I well remember that when Violet Carson was unable to resume the role of Ena Sharples in 1980 due to ill health we were never told what had happened to Ena and could only assume that she had decided to live in St Annes with her friend Henry Foster permanently. I do hope that we are at least told what has happened to Emily if she is not coming back from Peru and can therefore have proper closure on a very well-loved character.
I have a feeling it's Peter, strange as it sounds, and could be quite good if they go down the comedy line. I read somewhere that Tracy gives Peter his marching orders and he would therefore be homeless. The Barlow household might just squeeze in the other two but three's pushing it.
As for Emily, she might come back for a very short spell, as part of an 'explosive' storyline. Maybe that's why they're keeping quiet. I hope Eileen Derbyshire is well and simply looking forward to a healthy and happy retirement.
Peter, yes, or Adam or at a pinch, Brian Packham as well.
Brian Packham?
I had heard she had 'family problems', which was delaying her return. However, that was sometime ago, so who knows?
Oh, I hope we see Emily from time to time at least. It isn't as if she was always on and it did add variety.
I think the new lodger is Peter, he isn't well-off so he would need to share rent at least while he settles back in. Also, Tracy is a handful so if I could see my son and father all the time without having to put up with her sniping I would definitely move close by but not in with her and Ken.
I think it will be Brian - they are both self indulgent in the fact that they both think they know everything and therefore can judge everybody on that basis. Could be fun actually. Maybe even pull Sean into some situations, although lately we haven't seen too many side stories involving other characters. It seems to be either one side of the street or the other.
I do miss Emily and I hope she is just tired of the day to day routine of filming Corrie and just wants to give herself some much needed time away. Heck, she has earned it. I'm hope she is fine and enjoying her break from the show.
I hope for the actress underneath Emily that she jst takes a quiet, gentle retirement. Seems to suit the actress and the character both.
Brian could be fun but I think it will be Kirk
why would Kirk move in with Norris when he could stay with his sister?
I would like to see Gemma move in with Norris.They would be hilarious together. Norris teaching her grace and manners and Gemma making Norris less pretentious.
I would like to see Gemma move in with Norris.They would be hilarious together. Norris teaching her grace and manners and Gemma making Norris less pretentious.
Eileen Derbyshire has always been fiercely protective of her private life, and if she has decided to leave, I could see her insisting on an exit like the one she has already had. No muss, no fuss just quietly leave and let people slowly forget her. I guess we shall see.
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