Foiled Again award: Jason gave Eileen control of the bank account instead of Phelan who had plans for it, himself.
Change of pace award: While it's usually red wine that breaks down a person's inhibitions and lands them in loved-up land, this time, it was white wine that led Leanne into clearly doing something she regrets with someone unidentified.
Big Heart award: Poor Kirk. He does want to get back with Beth but he doesn't want to leave Norris lonely, either.
Stars in Their Eyes award: Tonight, Matthew, I don't want to be Sporty Spice.
Doom and Gloom award: Izzy thinks if she goes to prison she'll lose her job and Jake. She might lose her job but surely she can go on benefits as a single disabled parent?
Pants on Fire award: It's getting clearer and clearer that Caz is faking her injury.
Fake Injury: Forget Caz. Steve is folding his arms, waving them about
and all sorts over the past few weeks, even though one of his arms is in a sling. Doesn't seem to
hurt him in the least. Indeed, he was out of the sling by the end of the week.
Lines of the week:
Liz to Steve "Once that cruise liner has left the port, it won't be the only ship that's sailed" (listen to your mother, Steve)
Gail "The thought that someone you love could kill, is hard to live with and I know that" (yes, yes you do *coughHillmancough*)
Gail "I've been sleeping on top of a dead body for months" David "I thought you'd got used to it after Michael" (Ha!)
Norris about Kirk "If brains were rocket fuel, he wouldn't get off the launchpad"
Liz "Talk about snatching defeat from the jaws of victory!"
Beth to Kirk "How could you choose that owl in a cardigan over me!"
Tracy about Kirk "He's got the personality of an ironing board"
Eileen "To adventures!"
Gary to Izzy "I will always be there for you" (which doesn't mean he wants to get back together)
Beth “There’s only three things that tell the truth - kids, drunks and leggings!” (ain't that the truth!)
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Sunday, 3 July 2016
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Ooh, look at Pat's face, not happy! I didn't see that one coming and it was a nice surprise to see his dastardly plan scuppered, for a while anyway. I daresay he will charm Eileen into doing what he wants.
“There’s only three things that tell the truth - kids, drunks and leggings!”
One of the greatest sayings of all time!
am so over steve mc donald ,acting like 10 yr old ,man him up or get rid ,tim is great so come on writers help steve become a grown up.
Changed Your Tune award.Liz who was upset at Michelle for spending too much time with her childhood sweetheart discussing old times instead of his wedding to another woman is now telling Steve,HE has to smarten up and get Michelle back?!
Granted Steve has been an idiot but Michelle is also to blame and yet she gets off scot free by Liz.
I wonder if Phelan will try to gaslight and murder Eileen to get Jason's business and inheritance like Richard Hillman tried to do with Emily to get her house due to the reverse mortgage she signed with him?
Why was Steve's arm in a sling?
Simon Gregson had an off screen accident and sprained his arm.
Worst birthday party laze is Maria. Poor Liam....lamest bd party in the history of Corrie
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