Tonight on Coronation Street, Todd confronts Billy and suggests he doesn't really love Sean. Billy's defensive at first and rails at Todd for interfering in his love life. But then Todd finally admits to Billy the depth of his feelings for
The official preview for tonight's Coronation Street says that Billy can’t cope with the news. But from the picture above, it looks like he comes to terms with it pretty quickly, even if he does miss Todd's lips by a mile.
Still, a kiss on the chin is better than no kiss at all. But what do we think about Billy dumping Sean for Todd? I'm all for it and say Billy and Todd - Yay!
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Thursday, 7 July 2016
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A wholehearted Yay! I've never bought into Billy with Sean. It just never rang true. Someone with Billy's depths of compassion and understanding would surely just be irritated by Sean's shallowness and egocentricity. Todd's character, meanwhile, has been reabilitated and this relationship will carry that process forward. His (never-yet-explained) descent into motiveless villainy may have seemed as shallow as Sean's flibbertgibbey act, but that's because we have no idea what lay behind it. To deliberately cause such upset to his own family rather speaks of a profound depth of feeling, unfortunately all negative. His interaction with Sarah, Bethany and more recently, Jason, seems to have purged that negativity. He's still a wry and cynical observer of others though, and that, matched with Billy's tendency to see the good in everyone, should be an interesting combination. Plus they have great chemistry.
The only down side is that it means three more weeks of Martyred Sean.
Yay for me as well. But having said that I feel really badly for Sean. He will be gutted to say the least. I hope for Sean's sake that Todd moves out of Eileen's so he will be spared seeing the pair of them together. I quite like Sean and would really like to see him happy.
I'm in the Nay camp.
Not that I've bought into Billy and Sean together, as they do seem a mis-match -- but I am liking the recent development of Todd (into a more caring supportive person). It would be nice to see Todd reject Billy; not just out of loyalty to Sean (who he views as some kind of step-brother after all these years of living with the Grimshaws), but for Todd to simply have no attraction to Billy. I think Todd should stay single for longer. We've already had him steal Sean's ex before (and Maria's).
Just because Sean and Todd are gay, doesn't mean they have to recycle boyfriends between them. *same goes for Kate Connor - just knew they would have to create some sort of a fling with Sophie. So predictable.
Mixed. I think Billy and Todd are better suited intellectually and temperamentally but then there's that pesky bro code about stealing your friend's girl. Maybe it only applies to girls, IDK, still doesn't seem right that 'reformed nice' Todd would do that to practically family Sean.
Sean needs a male version of Beth, a little dim but a lotta fun, and let them be the happy. He's a nice character and he deserves it.
I'm also 'mixed' on this one. I think Billy and Todd have great chemistry, a yin/yang type if you will. A vicar with someone who's got a dark side to them. But the spark is there.
At the same time I feel badly for Sean, who's getting kicked in the nads again in the love life department. He needs someone who will really care for him, and be as silly and fun as he is.
I agree. I like Bill & Todd together but do feel sorry for Sean.
Maybe they'll turn Sean into a vindictive b*tch or something.
Yea, they should good looking children together.
I"m in the Yay camp. BUT the bigger question is what has happened to Todd? Why is he nice again when only a short while ago I couldn't stand him. He was loathsome, when he wasn't like that originally. Now he's watching Jason's back and keeping a beady eye on Phelan, visiting Tracy in hospital, sooo nice to Sarah/ Bethany. When he returned from London he was despicable. Do the producer's take us as fools? And isn't he a lawyer - a tad over qualified to be working as a florist?
I'm not sure. I never really thought Billy and Sean were well suited but I really want Sean to be happy so I just accepted it. And I'm still angry from when Todd catfished his own mother so I don't want him to be happy. I'm going to go with nay!
I will also say nay simply because I'm getting bored of characters being paired up only to split up again.
I also don't like how Todd and Billy are seen as this 'great couple' while Todd's lies to 'protect'Sarah and Billy's complicity to keep quiet resulted in Jason being driven from the Street.
Perhaps that's why Billy couldn't tell Sean anything,Sean is honest and would want Billy to report Sarah to the police.
I hope both Billy and Todd are portrayed equally as pariahs in their betrayal of Sean.
And it's a Yay from me. Cobblestone: I totally agree with your comments. I'm not keen on Sean but I wish they'd give him a suitable partner. Also I'm fed up of Todd's dead-end jobs when he's got a law degree, but Corrie always does this to characters who escape the cobbles to improve themselves. On returning they can only work in the Street. On the other hand, various folk walk into skilled jobs in the faktri, bistro, café, gym, garage with no training or qualifications.
HUGE YAY!! These two are so different yet similar and it is helping me see Todd as a human again. The only drawback is all this back and forth with Sean. Just end it already and be honest with each other! No doubt Eileen and the Faktry hags will be giving Todd and Billy a hard time because of poor old Sean being hurt. However, Sean needs to find someone whose an equal drama queen so they can understand each other better.
Sean won't go out with another drama queen because opposites attract. In that regard Billy and he were suited. But intellectual gulf too great.
Therefore a big YAY from me to Billy and Todd.
I don't mind but I hate the possibility of all the clan turning on Todd yet again because he "stole" Billy from Sean. He didn't do it deliberately this time but it won't matter to the judgemental.
Sean should get a story line with his son coming back to live with him. He needs to meet someone who will settle down and become a family. Corrie needs to establish a stable gay family and I think that Sean and Billy would not be a suitable match. Billy and bad boy Todd are a better match.
Todd and Billy are a better fit than Billy and Sean IMO, but, as with all will end badly ... IMO. storyline needed for Sean that doesn't include another boyfriend.
I liked Sean and Billy together. Sean may be flighty but he's kind-hearted and I think his pride and confidence in his identity as a gay man helped Billy become more confident in who he was.Billy really admired Sean's courage and his refusal to hide who he was--in contrast with Billy who was living a lie to keep the bishop happy and who seemed ashamed of himself for being gay. The writers did a great job of conveying this dynamic, and I think that's what attracted Billy to Sean.
By contrast, I find the Billy/Todd pairing a somewhat tedious rehash of that standard plot of straight romances--good girl falls for bad boy, with all the usual cliches. Come on, now, do we really need this? Seems very hackneyed, not to mention I don't believe someone as compassionate as Billy would fall for someone as cruel as Todd 2.0.
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