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Tuesday 5 July 2016

Paula Lane on Kylie's death: "I've never read anything like it!"

Kylie Platt is going to be killed off in Coronation Street, ITV have announced. And it’s going to be one of the most shocking deaths in Corrie history! 

Paula Lane, who plays Kylie, says: “I’m not just saying this because I’m involved but I don’t think I’ve ever read an ending like it. A lot of the cast who aren’t actually involved in it have also read it and said it’s something else.

“It’s almost not Corrie, if you know what I mean – it’s very different. It’s something that’s never been done in soap before and I think the audience are going to get a real sense of shock and surprise.”

Crikey. I wonder what on earth it’ll be. 

How do you feel about losing Kylie for good? I wonder what’ll happen to David?

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Anonymous said...

I am so glad Kylie is the ending she deserves,it would be shitty to leave in a cab.I'm looking forward to exploring the grief aspect of David,because that's something we've never seen from him before. He will absolutely do estates beyond words but that will give Jack some of the best performances of his career and allow him to progress even more.

Anonymous said...

Quite a build up, hope they can live up to it.

Anonymous said...

Whatever it is, it's crazy and short-sighted to kill off the character. They should've just replaced the actor.

Laura said...

Perhaps Max has an inadvertent hand in her demise. This maybe hasn't been done before. Some kind of accident Max causes and Kylie is killed. Well, that's the only theory I could come up with that is original!

C in Canada said...

I don't like that they've killed her off. I thought she'd go to prison for a few years and come back, but this is the route they've decided to take.
I thought it might have been Callum's mates, but later I thought that wouldn't work since they think Tony killed him.
I wonder what the shock can be that CS hasn't done before....Laura had a good suggestion that perhaps Max causes something.

Unknown said...

It's a great shame, to loose a great corrie actress... But she knows what she wants to do... Be a mum for a while ....
Nothing wrong with that, just that we will miss her character , her crazy side and the fact that she's just great little actress !!!
Good luck Paula xx

Anonymous said...

It's either going to be a freak accident, or Kylie is just going to suddenly kill herself with no warning.

Remember that we've been shown Sarah's descent into madness, which I really think now is a smokescreen by the writers to hide what else has been happening... namely, Kylie's own guilt and fear, of which we've only been given small bits and pieces of. She's the murderer, not Sarah, and I think a lot of the viewers have almost forgotten it lately. She might be even more sick than Sarah, but nobody notices.

A sure warning sign, that almost nobody realizes until after the fact, is the "perfect last day" from those who are suicidal. Battlestar Galactica infamously did this in its final season, where a main character suddenly committed suicide in the last few minutes of one episode, with what appeared to be no warning (but if you go back and watch again, there were clear signs).

Kylie has no plans to go to Barbados or anywhere else, it's just a ploy, so she can have one good last day with David and the kids... what it was like before Callum came and ruined everything. And then she goes off and overdoses on something, and that's it.

Cobblestone said...

I was thinking the same thing. Could he actually deliberately kill her? Would they dare? (And if so, could it give Amy Barlow some ideas ...?)

Cobblestone said...

I did find her speech about how summers used to last forever when you're young, but now they're as crap as the rest of the year rather chilling. There is definitely something dark going on. Plus it felt like part of her was willing Sarah to spill the beans so it would finally be all over.

Antiphon said...

I think the scenario of Kylie committing suicide at the last minute is very plausible. However, her death is supposed to be in a way that has never been seen on a soap before, and at least one other Coronation Street character has committed suicide in the past, ie Ken Barlow's second wife Janet in 1976, so I'm not sure. Almost any theory is valid.

Tvor said...

Kevin's wife, Alison, also went in front of a big lorry after kidnapping baby Bethany, it looked very much like a suicide when you watched that scene.

Antiphon said...

And Hayley also committed suicide so as not to prolong her suffering.

Humpty Dumpty said...

Katy Harris committed suicide after killing her father. She drank a mixture of water and sugar which was lethal to a diabetic. I still think it's Gemma, especially as a poster pointed out her facial expression on the trailer. But Max is also a possibility. We haven't seen his ADHD behaviour lately. He is shortly to be locked in the annexe so he might start having bad dreams. Maybe the phantom of his father keeps visiting and telling him that he must avenge his father's death. A real ghost or a child's morbid fears? That would be something new, too. I hope it's not this scenario as a child killer is a little bit East Enders.

Anonymous said...

Probably Max kills her.

Antiphon said...

Max being responsible in some way for Kylie's death is certainly an intriguing possibility. It would possibly give Max years of problems as he would grow up knowing he was responsible for his mother's death and would struggle to come to terms with it, therefore paving the way for dramatic storylines in the future. Possibly David would also reject him initially as the killer of his wife which might mean that he would go and live with Callum's mother for a time.

Not sure if anything like this has been done on a soap before. A distinct possibility perhaps?

Rapunzel said...

Intriguing. Does anyone remember where Mad Max was the night Callum died? Could he have seen something he shouldn't.

Remember too that his parachute in the Drama week is like a Chekhov's Gun, still waiting to be fired

Anonymous said...

Kylie will be abducted by aliens, taken away and never seen again. they will bury her as a cover-uр in an emрty coffin ;)

Anonymous said...

Although Fallon in falcon crest was also abducted by aliens - so nothing new there ;)

Unknown said...

Was there a mention of car. .max will be fiddling around with the car and inadvertently run her over or they could do a car safety issue where it engages itself

Unknown said...

Was there a mention of car. .max will be fiddling around with the car and inadvertently run her over or they could do a car safety issue where it engages itself

Samantha said...

I was (and still am) quite disappointed to hear that Kylie would be killed off. She is one of the characters that I really enjoy watching.

The show won't be the same without her.

Antiphon said...

Here's a theory....this might be rubbish but I'll offer it anyway.

Does anyone think that all the publicity that has been put out about Kylie being killed off is actually a deliberate red herring on the part of the producers of Corrie and ITV and she is not actually being killed off at all but is possibly going to do a runner on her own at the last minute for some reason, possibly because she realises she can't live with David, Max and Lily with the memory of killing Callum always hanging over her?

This of course would mean that Paula Lane would have to co-operate, as everything she has said to the press seems to indicate that she will be killed off. The problem is that I can't think of any means of her dying which hasn't already been used on the show befor in some way, or else is so improbable that it would mean Corrie jumping the shark.

The only alternative I can think of that might be suitably shocking is that Max is responsible for her death in some way.

What do others think? Might this be a credible scenario?

Antiphon said...

There is also of course the picture of Kylie in her coffin with David standing beside it, but this could have been staged deliberately to mislead us.

Another point is that it would be a far greater shock if we had not been told in advance that Kylie was going to die; then any means of her death would come as a bolt from the blue, even if it was in some way that had been done before. As it is, we are merely left guessing how she is going to die, and the possibilities are not necessarily unlimited.

Maddie said...

Maybe Max overhears David and Kylie talking that it was Kylie who killed Callum, Max could have got Callum's gun hidden and will kill Kylie with it for killing his dad.

It is such a shame that Kylie (Paula) is leaving, she is one of the best characters in CS and will be greatly missed.


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