For the last month of December, as always, I've had a think and a blog about some of the stories that we saw on our screens. There's a bit of a rant with a dose of sarcasm about the whole Peter/Carla/Nick/Leanne gubbins. I do like all four actors, though, so even if it's feeling more like a merry-go-round these days, I still enjoy watching them.
I've been wanting to smack David for his attitude towards Kylie for awhile and I bet he'll get a comeuppance for it soon enough as we plunge into another Platt family crisis.
Tyrone and Kirsty's drama ramped up and Fiz became involved in a compelling and watchable story. We have a couple of weeks to wait to see if the wedding goes off or not but things have to break soon and not just Tyrone's bones! I don't think things will be over after the wedding, though, I imagine there will still be a bit more row to hoe there.
There was some silliness to offset the drama but then it descended from silly to the downright ludicrous.
Read the State of the Street for December here.
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Friday, 4 January 2013
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Brilliant! And yes, it certainly does feel like a merry go round with those four!
The love square is beyond tedious. I feel sorry for the actors.
Why can't the writers leave Peter and Carla alone? And let Leanne move on. If only they would stop forcing ridiculous storylines on us, just so the four characters can interact with each other.
I used to like Leanne and now I can't stand her. I'm annoyed at the writers for that. All she does is bounce back and forth between Nick and Peter.
She married NICK - they divorced - she got with PETER, then cheated on him with NICK but decided she loved PETER so she went back to him. Then Peter had an affair with Carla and left Leanne to be with her so Leanne got back together with NICK. But on their wedding day, Leanne decided that she wanted to get back with PETER so she went to see him in her wedding dress and threw herself at him, only to discover that Carla was back and Peter was back with her. So Leanne decided that she does love NICK after all and wants him back.
Is there any chance they can all move on now or do we have to keep watching Leanne bouncing between them, while all of them go round in tedious circles?
Little bits of normalcy, that's what makes this soap work. But what did we get? Rob cooking then uncooking the books, getting fired and stealing customers, all with a prison education and 6 months on the outside. Carla zipping back and forth from Los Angeles like it's somewhere near Blackpool. Eva ruining her sister's life for no apparent gain. 2 people who never in a million drunken years would have slept together doing so. Another one of Steve's ridiculous schemes (although I'm glad Dennis has something to do besides escorting Rita).
My favorite recent near miss (well, actually it was from January, but...) was Sunita, Karl, Eileen & Paul getting seated together. Started out sour, then ended up silly with them doing shots to Jason & Stella. Wish it had been built up and stretched out a bit more. Pure character.
What gets me is that they go from DRAMA to ho-hum in the blink of an eye. Fiz..(another character lying unconscious) is saved by Tyrone and the big build up to her maybe having brain damage (who would notice anyway) and the whole family camped out on the Coronation Street ward..Chesney vowing revenge..Dr. saying it's touch and go..on and on and then...FLOP..Fiz opens her eyes..Chesney? Oh well, I guess that's you go..home nearly died but let's get on with the story. Now we've got brain dead Tommy fessing up to fixing Fiz' boiler so what...??To keep this character around? So Ty can get another beating?? Please.
Why has Steve suddenly become so mean to Dennis? Another personality switch. It must be in the water..I don't know but hopefully the new producer will put an end to it and either sack the writers he has or put out more dosh to hire top notch ones..ones with imagination. The ones they have now suck...sorry if that sound harsh..but they do.
Really..what do we have to look forward to so far? Another gay storyline with an unbelievable plot? I guess I'll sign out because I'm beginning to rant on and on and on....
I wouldn't be so tired of the love square if the writing actually tied up some loose ends.
It's obvious Peter was rebounding from his split with Carla, feeling lonely and missing that family dynamic...and let's be honest, he just can't stand Nick. So he made a play for Leanne, but when Carla came back, he clearly made his choice.
What would have been nice is if the writer's wrote him acknowledging his actions: "Lea I was on the rebound, I was lonely."
Instead they left it open to further explore this love square in the future and it's overkill now.
and that's my two cents...
I think it's just really lazy story planning. It's almost like the Execs realised sometime in October 'Oh we need some drama on Christmas Day to compete with Eastenders' so just reverted to an old, old ratings winner rather than coming up with anything fresh.
BBC wins on Christmas Day as no-one likes adverts, not because people like watching Eastenders (as if!)
Despite the unbelievably predicable, lazy writing, the performances just pulled it through.
Except the Sophie/Jenna stuff. That's just dire.
I pretty much agree with the two posts above ^ Lily and Mrs Barton ^ - There is so much repetition now, I'm on the verge of switching off. In fact, if Stuart Blackburn decides to continue with the love square, I won't be watching it.
Peter is acting weird - the writers are ruining him, Carla is in a dreadful state one week and seems to be unable to stop drinking but then she's back to normal the next week and Leanne is now a very self righteous, hypocritical woman who spends the half of her time scowling at Peter and Carla and the other half bouncing like a pinball between Peter and Nick.
Don't get me started on Rob.
Really....Rob is going to get a large order from an experienced businessman, who doesn't seem to want to know his experience other than the 5 minutes at Underworld and the fact Rob's machinists work at home.....aren't the machines kind of industrial machines...who would have that in their home and would Rob be delivering all the material to each home? I don't think Rob even showed him a sample in the Rover's either.
On the Leanne front, didn't one article mention a bombshell she drops on Nick - and this is when he is considering taking her back? So, could that bombshell be that she is expecting, so now he will have to worry about whether Kylie's baby is his and of course Leanne will find out and there will be much hand-wringing, recriminations, blah, blah, blah. All these pregnancies and babies and the storyline with Julie not being able to have babies swept under the rug - no discussion about adoption or surrogacy. Would have been a better story with Julie going through the surrogacy rather than Tina.
Julie has had a hysterectomy I believe, there was a growth and she had the surgery. That's why she can't have babies so she also couldn't be a surrogate.
Slightly off topic, but has any one heard any news on corrie nation the Facebook game?
Anonymous, I don't think corrie nation is coming back, which is really annoying as Id got to something like level 20!- Micky
In regards to Tyrone and Kirsty, something like this will probably happen:
They will get married, but very soon afterwards Kirsty will find the secret cell-phone and figure everything out. She'll confront Tyrone and prepare to give him the beating of his life, but he'll fidget at the last second and dodge her so that he smashes herself into stuff and knocks herself out, with blood everywhere.
Figuring that he's screwed and everything's done for, he grabs Ruby and plans to run away with Fiz. But Kirsty recovers faster than expected and sends the cops after him, while also spinning a tale about Tyrone having beat *her* up and having abused her for months. So he gets caught before he can get far away enough, and is arrested for kidnapping and assault. Expect Deidre and do-gooders like Julie to jump at the chance to testify against him.
Micky- it's a shame I really enjoyed it
I'm losing interest in this Leanne/Nick/Carla/Peter thing at this point too. I'm at the point where I can't believe how stupid Nick and Carla are in not cutting their losses and I find it ridiculously hard to have any sympathy for Peter or Leanne anymore. Obviously the storyline must be getting a positive response from someone in order for them to keep going with it, but I wonder what state the characters will be in by the end of it.
The only other thing that's been bugging me lately is the Tyrone/Fiz affair. If Tyrone is so scared he'll barely leave the house, the idea that he'd take the risk of having an affair with Fiz (due to some sudden overpowering feelings of love that didn't exist a month ago) seems a bit ridiculous. It undermines the idea that he's terrified of Kirsty.
But I loved that stupid lollipop storyline. I don't know why. I stopped watching Eastenders years ago because I couldn't stand their versions of the "comedy storyline" but Corrie is just better at them.
Anonymous- perhaps we should bombard facebook for corrie nations return. However perhaps not as I was becoming a little obsessed!- Micky
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