I dare say one or two people will be dancing a merry jig at the thought of the former Miss Parekh getting the heave-ho she so richly deserves. To a certain extent, I agree. However, I have that odd, heavy feeling - nothing to do with the hideous Yorkshire Pudding I made at the weekend (thank you Mary Berry) - that comes with the knowledge that a Corrie character appears to have been well and truly trashed.
I had the same feeling about poor old, very dead Molly Dobbs. Here was a character who, let's be honest, was never dynamic but who represented a kind of Corrie everywoman - generally dependable, honest, a good wife and a bit of a laugh. Somehow though, it wasn't enough and before long, she was the Whore of Babylon. The same thing seems to have befallen our Sunita.
Once a good friend, happy wife and a demon with a pricing gun, Sunita morphed into a doxy almost overnight. Suddenly it was 'baps ahoy!' as Sunita's cleavage threatened to fill the Rovers like an inflatable dinghy. The cheery face was replaced by some arch, vixen-like pouting as she dragged herself around the pub playing the tart for Karl. Karlnita - the coming together of two decent people to become one heinous creature. The relationship ultimately didn't work for them and it certainly didn't work for us. Was it a case that the storyliners had no idea what to do with Sunita? If so, would it have been better to just let her depart with her head held high (and her bosoms held low?)
Shobna Gulati is a fantastic actress and no doubt will have great success with whatever she does next. As for Sunita, I'm going to forget that the 'Carry On Moll Flanders' version ever existed and will forever remember her dishing out sliced loaves to customers and sound advice to young Sophie.
Let's hope someone buys her a nice chunky high-necked sweater as a parting gift.
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Brilliant write-up! Baps ahoy LOL!!! The whole storyline has been total rubbish from Sunita suddenly yearning to have those baps free and wild to Dev letting Karl stay in HIS home with Sunita and the children. I say bring back Mad Maya to dispatch all of them.
I agree. For reasons never to be known by us, the writers/producer completely ruined Sunita and Karl.
I can't figure out how they'll ever rehabilitate Karl's character.
~JB in Canada
Beautiful write up... however, I must have missed something, are you saying that Sunita is actually leaving the street? I didn't catch that in the papers. Any chance the rest of the Alahan clan are joining her (and Karl)??
I'm laughing at the fact that she's wearing a chunky high-necked sweater in tonights episode.
There's a long list of characters previously loved and now facing ruin: Karl, Peter, Deirdre, Brian, Steve, Eileen .... Seems to me that when they don't know what to do with a character, they should exit rather than have an 'explosive' storyline that's totally out of character. How hard did Shobna have to work at persuading viewers that Sunita was sick of being taken for granted. I agree she was too good for Dev so go set up a rival grocery chain! Is Carla the only woman who's allowed to have any business sense?
As soon as she ended up behind the bar the writing was on the wall...'so long Sunita.' There was no reason for the writers to destroy this character so completely other than to give a continual storyline to Stella who could then move on to become the central character of the program. I really is too bad because I think the show needs a stable family to offset the sheer madness that seems to be the state of the street now IMO. It is totally disfunctional and unbelievable in the slightest. The writing team could at least TRY to come up with a plausible storyline at some time. All they seem to concentrate on is the sexual preferences of the character in question or at any given time, one of them will inevitably come close to death and will be either lying unconscious on the floor, or be in the hospital hooked up to a respirator.
Now we are to believe that Lewis is going to con Gail who has become brain damaged from inhaling too many floor cleaning fumes and has fallen in love with him.
Brilliant post, although I was more struck by the number of camera shots highlighting Sunita's bum more than anything else. The second the actress won that Rear of the Year award, it seemed like you couldn't get away from it.
Shame they ruined a good character to get some nice shots of a bum and reinforce what we already knew re: Karl being a bad 'un.
The writers have no idea what to do with the Corner Shop any more. Either use some imagination and find some purpose/new owners for it or shut it.
Glad to see Sunita going,she has too much talent to waste time playing the rubbish she's been doing. None of it made sense from a cultural point of view for either her or Dev ( wirter's you missed the boat). I've said before the writer's need to do a better job. They need a corner store, but make it more interacting to the street like it used to be.
A few years back she was living in a lovely house with a good looking boyfriend, I'm not sure she ended up filling up her fridge with cans of lager so Karl could get hammered and abuse her.
I think the real Sunita left months ago, a warm, funny, sensible and 'real' woman was replaced by 'Baps Ahoy' who was miserable, desperate and wholly unlikeable. Such a shame. Will we just be left with pouty women on a merrygoround of being the girlfriends of the men and lose the strong women who have always been the backbone of the Street?
But...the storyline did do a good thing and made the viewer (me, anyway) feel sorry for Dev, who has behaved with dignity throughout. Was the woman he was with at the Leanne/Nick wedding supposed to be his date? Usually the extras have to stand at the back so I wondered if a scene with her had been cut.
has sinita had her top lip pumped up? She looks like a duck!
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