Current Corrie cast
Samia Ghadie (Maria Connor) Dancing on Ice and falling for her skating partner. More.
Alan Halsall (Tyrone Dobbs) is still grieving for Bill Tarmey. More.
Marc Baylis (Rob Donovan) says he's happy with his character's development. More.
Ben Price (Nick Tilsley) says Nick should leave Corrie. More.
Catherine Tyldesley (Eva Price) has trouble removing henna tattoos. More and says Michelle Collins (St Ella) is like a mum to her. More and signs new Corrie contract. More
Michelle Keegan (Tina McIntyre) tops up her tan. More.
Ex Corrie cast
Sam Robertson (Adam Barlow) is second to be evicted from this year's Celebrity Big Brother House. More.
Kevin Kennedy (Curly Watts) stars in We Will Rock You, now on tour around the UK. More. Katherine Kelly (Becky McDonald) back on TV in Mr Selfridge. More.
Helen Flanagan (Rosie Webster) poses nude and writes autobigraphy (not at the same time). More.
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I can't bear to think about it at the moment... too early! :)
Is it even possible for Tina to be any more tanned?
Re: Helen Flanagan "not at the same time" - made me laugh out loud!
St Ella signs another contract? They don't give tuppence about us. I am fast losing interest in this soap.
Wow, what will Helen Flanagan do to top these antics? More importantly, who on God's green earth wants to read her autobiography?!? Talk about self-indulgent!
Apparently Tina isn't tanned enough until she's glowing (in the dark).
I'd hate to see Nick leave the Street, as he and Kylie are just starting to grow on me.
I really hope that Helen Flanagan is on her 14th minute and 59th second of fame.
Tina is starting to look like the U.S. mother Patricia Krentcil. (google her if you don't know) You are a lovely girl and this is too much and it is starting to look weird
I really hope that Ben Price who plays Nick Tilsley doesn't leave, he loves working on corrie as I read somewhere.. He is all I watch it for as he is Beautiful and if he leaves I won't watch corrie again he is my fave character and I love him and his character and he is a great actor! :)
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