I hadn't watched Coronation Street for over a week, but I decided to tune in again last night as I knew Audrey was going to catch Gail and Lewis and I couldn't miss that! I have to say I was pleasantly surprised by both episodes last night.
I found the Gail and Lewis developments in equal parts hilarious and disgusting. I don't often find myself in agreement with David Platt! Both David and Kylie's reactions to this latest development were hysterical and Sue Nicholls yet again played a blinder as Audrey. I'm biased because the woman can do no wrong as far as I'm concerned. We all know this will end badly for Gail and I can't help but think she deserves it.

The surprising thing for me was how much I got involved in the Jenna and Sophie storyline which was the other big feature in the episodes. I love Craig Charles as Lloyd and his touching support for his daughter through her work and personal issues was terrific to watch. The writing was great and although Mandy's true feelings were difficult to watch, the performance was spot on and very believable. More of this please!
Other minor developments also entertained me. I enjoyed the scene with Ken and Steve conducting their conversation around the irrational, delusional Tracy. Deirdre's offer of making Steve a sandwich was hilarious (well, I thought so!) I also found myself getting very incensed about Julie and Norris ganging up on Tyrone in their exchange with Fiz and Tina. I can understand Norris having a go as he's widely known to be 9 parts nasty and 1 part unpleasant but Julie really should know better. I'm looking forward to seeing how that plays out.
I hope this positive trend continues! What did you think??
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I just LOVE every second of Corrie at the moment! Fantastic! Can't wait for the next episode. It really is pure genius! We went from being in stitches of laughter one second, then seething the next with Norris & Julie's performance. I'm quite surprised how protective I feel about poor Tyrone! Really tickles me too the way those olives keep popping up! Best thing on the telly!
Agree, it was a cut above the usual stuff we've been getting. Sadly, I still think the Jenna/Sophie story is the pits and the only reason we had some good scenes last night was the quality of Craig Charles's acting. He carries the rest of his family.
I loved Corrie last night - I never thought that the Gail/Lewis affair could be so entertaining! It really seems to have bought out the best in all the actors and Gail's whispery, slow batting eyelashes approach is just a perfect response for Lewis's 'little sparrow' remarks.
And I'm loving Lloyd with Jenna. He is a wonderful father. I'm sorry the Jenna/Sophie story line worked out this way as I thought that for once - hurrah! - there was an educated, professional woman on the cobbles who could be a role model for Sophie. Ah, well, can;t have it all!
But you've got it spot on, Graeme - apart from the FayE pantomime - first class Corrie!
Totally agree...esp the Platt's..Gail trying to speak Italian to Lewis and ends up asking him what time the next train is due..David and Kylie gagging at the thought of Gail and Lewis necking on the sofa..too funny..and the dialogue and line delivery was great throughout. I'm glad to see someone has had the sense to move Tracy out of her fixation on being Mrs. Steve MacDonald for the rest of her life. Maybe things will start getting interesting for her.
All 'round great viewing I must admit.
When did Lloyd start telling the rest of the street that he was Jenna's dad? I must have missed that. Certainly Steve wouldn't let that go unacknowledged.
That's a good point - I don't remember it becoming public knowledge...
Loving Lloyd too - but not Jenna or Mandy. The way Mandy carried on about Jenna sacrificing and working, you would have thought it had taken Jenna 15 years to become a physiotherapist! I cheered when Gail zoomed in on the Leslie/electric toaster death during her heated exchange with Eileen - she deserved it. Great episode.
Yeah, I'm really hoping someone throws that in Eileen's face the very next time she says something about Tyrone!! Maybe then she'll THINK about what she's spewing out. I'm surprised at her with respect to the Ty/Kirsty story. No empathy?
~JB in Canada
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