Lewis, who would be surely twirling his villainous moustache - if he had one - clearly in reality still holds a torch for ex love Gail's mum Audrey as witnessed by his annoyance when she brought her short-lived rough-hewn new date - "a lower order primate," as Lewis sneered - into the Bistro.
Audrey won't be impressed when she finds out, as she is bound to eventually, that Lewis has seduced her daughter as part of his revenge plan for breaking him and Audrey up and not even for her money - Gail doesn't have any, surely. Good to see Nigel Havers in full evil Charmer mode, though.
Meanwhile Leanne assured Nick she still loved him not Peter and was rearranging the wedding and Kevin apologised to Jenna.
Tommy was let off with a police warning over the (now miraculously recovered from death's door and potential brain damage) Fizz's faulty boiler carbon monoxide poisoning business, even though her secret love Tyrone knew he was to blame really.
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Dont know about the collective sound of hissing dont do it, I think most of us had our faces buried in cushions at this awful snogging of the pair of them and Helen Worth blinking, dancing around the Bistro like some care in the community and staring gooey eyed at poor Lewis. How on earth does bedding the daughter going to get him back with the mother. Revolting. Hey Sarah Louise is rumoured to be back soon, perhaps the cad could bed her too and it be a hat trick! BAH!
Here, here, my partner was fair scunnered by the stomach wrenching lip action in show last night. There should be some sort of warning that kind of thing is about to be broadcast! I'm sure aliens in outer space could hear a collective "eeewwhh" from us each time Gail puckered up. Loved Sally's reaction thinking it was Kevin that Gail fancied.
I think Lewis will con Gail into giving him the money so he can pay Audrey back what he owes her. All under the guise of "we should make a clean break with the past, have a clean slate" blah blah blah. And dopey Gail will fall for it.
I hope that's what happens cuz she's got it coming. Her interfering caused the break-up; and her constant interfering in her sons' lives drives me up the wall!
So I say "go get 'er, Lewis!!!"
~JB in Canada
Not to mention poor ol' Gail's heart will be broken - which I think is Lewis' main intent - to make her feel the pain that he and Audrey felt.
~JB in Canada
The thing that I haven't worked out is what Lewis's re-entry storyline will be. Any clues?
Good question, Humpty. Maybe we here can come with something better than the writers would? :-)
~JB in Canada
Funny though...with the storyline of Gail and Lewis I had no patience for anyone else (especially Carla..hope Rob takes over the factory one day).
Poor Audrey...her date was a reminder of just how special Lewis was and how she could easily fall for him. As for Gail! Going with her mom's ex who she was responsible for making an ex! Tacky. She deserves everything she gets. Love of his life??? Get real!
He's stringing Gail along beautifully and I'm enjoying watching her being thoroughly duped. She's had it coming.
~JB in Canada
I just hope, if I ever become seriously ill, there is a bed open at that hospital.
The only way I can see Lewis returning after conning Gail would be with Claudia in tow. He has burned bridges with the Platts and he has no other connection to the street. Claud has a score to settle with Aud and she was popular with viewers.
great comments i wish they would LISTEN to viewers loved sally and gail togther this is what we want to see real life,what corrie was famous for leave the nonsence to the other soaps
no chemistry between sophie and jenna notlookin forward to the relateship both to wooden love irene love karl but not sunita and not the fireman
Anybody else think Audrey is in on it with Lewis, in order to teach Gail a lesson or would that just be too cruel?
I also loved the chat between Sally and Gail...you can tell Sally still loves Kevin so it's time for those two to give in another go IMO.
I'm another who loved Sally & Gail's chat - best part of the episode! Wish there was more of this in the Street.
It's awkward to watch Gail & Lewis smooching. I wish Lewis' revenge did not involve a romantic element!!
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