It has often been said that the quality and standard of the writing on this blog is often equal to if not better than the writing in Coronation Street. What a compliment to all us contributors! I do honestly think this is the best source of Corrie news, updates and reviews anywhere on the internet, and long may it continue to be this way.
As I mentioned when I first started writing for the blog last November I lurked around for some time, occasionally posting comments when I summoned up the nerve. I never thought I would one day be a fully fledged contributor. And I absolutely love it. The blog posts I write come very easily from me and never, ever feel like an effort to produce. Every so often an idea will grab me and I just have to write about it. It gives me a great deal of satisfaction to see my thoughts published on the net and even more so to see your comments come in - so please do keep them coming!
"Flaming Nora" is behind it all, of course. From the outset her support of my efforts has been amazing and wonderfully encouraging. She constantly spurs me on! So I just wanted to take this opportunity to say how much I'm loving it, how much I'm loving your comments and feedback, and most of all, thanks "Flaming Nora"!
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Love your work, Graeme, as well as that of Flaming Nora and Tvor. It is my morning pleasure (along with that first cup of tea) to read the Corrie blog.
Thanks to all the bloggers on this site!
Thank you Graeme. I am in the spiritual home of Corrie as I type this, with Manchester trams beeping outside our hotel window! Thank you again.
Absolutely love this site - a definite cut above all the rest - and even more now that you are contributing to it Graeme. You all should be writing for Corrie!
Graeme, I love your posts! And those of Flaming Nora, and the ever logical TVOR putting everything in perspective. Plus the funny, observant and acerbic comments. Bitingly observant but not malicious. Well done all involved for all your hard work. Long may CSB reign!
Ditto! Meant to leave you all a Christmas message to thank you for keeping in Corrie gossip and making me laugh every day.. and all for free! Thanks again for making this one of my favourite web sites.. have a great year!
Rebecca in TO
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