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Tuesday 22 January 2013

Tracy Barlow - here we go again!

Oh dear lord. Reading the Coronation Street spoiler that Tracy soon shares a taxi with Rob gave me an involuntary shudder. 

I simply cannot cope with the pairing of two of my least favourite Corrie characters. Why must this happen? 

What worries me most is that all they'll have to do is share a taxi cab for 10 minutes and Tracy will be pregnant despite the fact that she is on the pill and Rob whats-his-name has had a vasectomy. I jest of course. Well, given the Corrie writers' recent flights of fancy, anything is possible. 

I can't see the logic that lead the powers that be to put these two unedifying spectacles together. Both are incredibly dull. Both are incredibly tedious. 

And both lack any redeeming qualities whatsoever.

I am quite sure this latest Tracy pairing (how many have there been now, I lost track when she woke up next to Roy Cropper for a bet) is just so the writers can resuscitate that dreadful old story of jealousy over Steve being with Michelle. You'll remember Michelle as that lass who seemingly gained a business degree overnight, while raising a son who not only isn't hers but came back from a sojourn in Glasgow with a different head, looking older than his mummy. Mind you I've had nights out in Glasgow that have had the same effect on me. I digress. 

My main point amidst all this rambling is: What are the Corrie writers thinking about?! In the past it would be seen as sensible to put a less than popular character with a more popular, established one. Where is the sense in putting two rubbish characters together, unless they cancel each other out that there's a thought. I also really dislike the idea of Tracy going to work in Underworld. Exactly how many jobs can Carla create in that place? I do honestly think the recent stories at the faktry have been rather pointless and more than a little dull. If only they could bring back Ida Clough! 

So finally, what would I like to see come out of the Tracy/Rob pairing? I can only hope that Tracy will kill after mating. Oh hang on, she's already done that. Still, that's not stopped the powers that be before!

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Humpty Dumpty said...

There are, apparently, a few people who like Tracy and think she's hilarious in her quest to upset everyone around her. Well, each to their own. But surely most people think like me that neither the character nor the actress are fit for purpose. Time for both to go.

Janice said...

The problem is there are too many villains on the street. There used to be just one to stir the pot, now each family its own. We have Tracy, Eva, Kirsty, Rob, Owen, Lewis that all they ever do is make trouble. Then there are the borderline like Norris and Mary. Soon the villains will outnumber the decent ones.

Carry On Blogging! said...

That's a very good point - it does seem like there are many more unpleasant characters than there ever used to be. It's as if being anything other is boring!

Danny-K said...

"What worries me most is that all they'll have to do is share a taxi cab for 10 minutes and Tracy will be pregnant..."

Ahh so she IS that escaped female alien from the film 'Species'?

I think she delivered some funny lines when paired up with Beth. Same with the clashes between her and Norris.

Other than that, it's much better when she kills her adversaries with sarcastic, humorous put-downs rather than reach for heavy blunt objects.

Anonymous said...

Obviously still part of Collinson's "sensational" storylines that have done nothing for the Street.
It's unbelievable that his bosses allowed him to take good storylines such as the Tyrone abuse situation claim to have consulted with Mankind and other agencies to get it right and then ignore the realities and legalities of the situation and churn out the farce we have now.
No court ordered paternity test - the laughable Fiz/Tyrone affair while he is living with the partner from hell who beats him with anything handy at the blink of an eye.
It started out being an interesting and believable storyline that descended into some kind of slapstick routine.
It's really a shame what Collinson has done to the credibility of the Street.

Billy Niblick said...

Strange that Steve, when asked by Rob about Tracy, neglected to mention the not insignificant piece of info that she is a convicted murderer, having brained Charlie with a lethally heavy ornament. Wonder why?

Anonymous said...

Perhaps he's got his fingers crossed for Rob to go the same way?

Anonymous said...

Again I can only echo your blog. Bringing Trqcy back was a huge mistake. There is nowhere for the character to go apart from a succession of different beds. The Faktry has become a farce and the writers clearly have no idea what to do with it.

Corrie Writer said...

I know, I know! Since Rob is a love rat Tracy will catch him cheating. He will drop her as his g/f and she will say she is pregers to keep him even though she is not. It's brilliant, its original.

DSS said...

Just how does a welfare mom with no visible means of support afford to go on shopping excursions in a taxi?

Carry On Blogging! said...

She probably broke into Amy's piggy bank...

Sneak Peek said...

Now that Steve is divorced from Toothy he will proose th Michelle who will accept. But before the fateful nuptials Michelle will succumb to the hidden charms of Rob (he is well endowed). Toothy finds out about it and waits till the ceremony to reveal all in front of a horrified Corrie cast. They are horrified because no Corrie wedding has ever been ruined.

Anonymous said...

I just read an interview with Kate Ford where she said that she didn't think that Tracy would kill again because "Charlie had messed with her head". Am I remembering wrong? I thought that Tracy killed Charlie because he had cheated on her, and was getting tired of her anyway (and really, who wouldn't!)
Rebecca in TO

Beth said...

Rebecca in TO - you are right, she pretended that Charlie was messing with her head just as he did with Shelley and cozied up to Claire who was living next door at the time and played the victim receiving Claire's sympathy. But there was absolutely nothing wrong with her. Conniving from Tracy of epic proportions. I just wish that she would go, she's just awful.

ChiaGwen said...

I noted that too DSS - just where does Tracy get the money for shopping trips and taking taxis? I guess Steve would maybe just drive her there as an unpaid fare but still she needs money for shopping. Is she living with Dreary and Ken again? If so, Dreary probably hands over money whenever she asks for it.

Mary Prankster said...

I've been saying for years that the medical centre needs to open a psychiatric/psychological department. The clientele from that one street would be enough to keep it busy. At the moment Kirsty is the most obvious person in need of treatment, but Mary's got some serious symptoms, Peter needs to be back in counseling and Carla has unresolved issues, Owen and David need help, etc.etc........

Anonymous said...

Of course Steve would encourage Rob to pursue Tracy (or at least not deter him) because he sees Rob as a threat to his imaginary relationship with Michelle!

I am hopeful that rather than cancelling each other out, Tracy and Rob will for such a strong alliance that they will actually combust! Both realizing there is nothing for them on the Street, they will head off into the sunset as part of some scam or other, Amy abadoned on the Street (because Rob hates kids). Problem solved.

scary bunny said...

in my opinion tracy is my favorite and is funny and they will be good together
i think though that she just chooses any man that she hasnt slept with


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