I always thought they made a great duo in a great Corrie tradition, in the likes of Deirdre and Liz. I'm sure they will make it up once the truth about Kirsty comes out, but in the meantime I'm not enjoying watching them argue.
The hurt in Fiz's eyes is so real!
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I think Julie's not going to know what to do or how to feel, once the truth is finally revealed that Kirsty's a manipulative abuser.
Kirsty's played everyone for the fools she believes them to be, especially Julie.
Julie was endearingly naive before. Now I find her tiresome these days.
She's bordering on becoming a short attention span, real thicko instead.
I agree with Danny-K post above. She is probably my most disliked character right now. Seems like a complete clueless... She is very dillusional and just getting old and annoying. Get rid of her please
Well I wouldn't go as far as wanting to get rid of her.
Perhaps she could end up in hospital again and 'accidentally' has an experimental injection of one single brain cell; which would top her back up to 'just naive' level, and well away from becoming outright stoopid.
Julie was the plain jane girl in the musical comedy who finally lands a man. Funny, vulnerable and impossibly romantic. She and Brian were potentially great together and should have been given a shop to run as a double act. She's another character that has been ruined, this time because she hasn't really been developed. Anon at 22.03 is right about the character getting old. What works in youth just becomes tiresome as life goes on. Same applies to Tracy, Sean and Rosie (by the end). Julie is worth saving and I hope she gets better storylines.
slightly off topic but did anyone notice the continuity error. Tyrone had Jason change the locks when Kirsty left. But when Kirsty returns from hospital she is entering the house with her keys and asks Eileen where Jason is so he can change the locks.
It is very frustrating to watch Julie tying her horses to the evil wagon that is Kirsty. But then it was equally painful watching her join Sean in slagging off Marcus. We definitly don't need that kind of mindless banter on the Street.
all comments are spot on ,am pleased its not just me!!thought i was turning in to norris ha ha
We may not need that kind of mindless banter, but that crazy stuff happens in real life. There are "chatty Cathy's" in almost every small town, small city and circle of friends that we associate with in our lives.
This situation between Julie and Fiz, was caused because Julie was just trying to be a friend to Kristy and she fell for her manipulations.
Poor Julie you are going to want to slide under some rock and hide once the real truth is uncovered you poor thing I have rewatched the episode and Kirsty was so enjoying the attention and having Julie on her side - oh how betrayed she will feel when she has to go and appologise to both Tyrone and Fizz when the truth comes out... I only hope that they wont ruin it when it does -
I really hope they won't ruin it when all the nosy parkers in the street deserve their 'told you so's' with bells on! Julie, Eileen, Sally (as per!!). They had better not mess it up when they all owe Tyrone a huge grovelling apology. Watching last night's episode was really painful, so if they do I'll be sooooo mad! They will have botched this story up further if they don't give us viewers what we've been waiting for.
Well when its discovered Julie's discomfort and "how could I be so schoopid" mantra will last all of 5 minutes before it is forgotton. Its Fizz I dislike, just something irritating about her. Wish she would be written out and take her ugly bug bro with her and his thoroughly pointless girlfriend.
In that retro 50s world Julie lives in, women are weak and delicate and men are brutes. Perhaps this will bring her into the 21st century.
The only thing that's going to open Julie's eyes is when Kirsty gives her a right clither in the gob, because Julie just can't stop going on and on blathering away about nothing and shoving herself into Kirsty's life..'Shut the eff up already' and then POW..right in the kisser!
I can't wait!!!
Also..there's no way someone with 2 broken ribs is going to be able to pick up a baby like Kirsty did..nope..more shoddy writing ... just sayin'
I sure wouldn't want Julie as a friend. She's been pretty quick to abandon Fiz for a relative newcomer in the factory, who isn't very likeable. I would like to think that a friend would come see me, talk to me, and try to get the truth of the whole sorry story.
And Eileen! What a bitch! It wasn't that long ago when the street turned on her for what they thought was happening and did happen to Lesley. Now she's doing the same thing to Fiz.
~JB in Canada
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