Brooke Vincent has been playing Sophie since 2004. When she first took on the role, her Sophie was a cute, intelligent, cheeky little thing - almost the female equivalent of the young David Platt. She was very much Kevin's daughter, while Rosie was much more like her mother, Sally. I loved the Websters during this period. Snobby Sally's attempts to turn Rosie into a lady, sending her to Oakhill and pushing her as far as she could. The great contrast was with Sophie, who was much more down to earth and grounded. Then it all seemed to change.
First of all, her character found religion. Fair enough, it was an interesting direction to take a young character. I enjoyed her interaction with Emily, it was very touching at times. Having Sophie come out as gay was also fine. Coronation Street had long lacked a lesbian character. It look long enough for the series, created by a gay man, to feature any gay men, so it seemed sensible for a gay woman to follow. I'm just not sure it's right for Sophie. I may be wrong but I would have preferred the introduction of a more mature gay woman, with more life experience.
I know lots of viewers were fans of the Sophie and Sian pairing but it really did nothing for me. All they did was shriek and shout at each other. I liked that both Sally and Rosie were supportive of them, I just felt they lacked chemistry and their storylines weren't that strong. I also thought their wedding came too soon. Speaking of which, I really dislike the idea of Sophie and Jenna getting together. From what I've seen they have very little onscreen chemistry and I just don't think Jenna would compromise her professional position in this way.
I'm afraid I also didn't much care for Sophie's storyline with Ryan Connor. Their involvement and her subsequent accident was really just to bring Sophie and Jenna together. I felt Sophie's recovery was all too quick and went without much coverage. What has happened to Ryan's serious cocaine addiction by the way? It seems to have vanished as quickly as it arrived.
I think part of the problem with Sophie is she now lacks any notable friends her own age. What is she doing with her life these days? Would we not see more friends from church? I worry that she is becoming an isolated character.
So what would you like to see Sophie do next? Do you like her character or would you prefer her to be given the chop?
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I would send her off to stay with her sister - although thinking about it, I wouldn't wish that on my worst enemy!
The teenage version of Sophie came to the end of its natural cycle last year. She should have gone to university, volunteered abroad, whatever, maybe to return in a few years. This time with a different head. It's not nice criticising young actors - they all have to learn their art - but this particular actress hasn't been coached or directed well. As a character, Sophie is going nowhere. She has no friends on the Street and is obviously working (when she does) at well below her capabilities. Perhaps Sally should open her eyes to the talents her daughter is wasting, and urge her to do something with her life. Away from the Street.
Sophie, like several other characters on the street have become very 2 dimensional (at best). I would like Sophie to return to her roots (being a Christian) and see more interaction with Emily and perhaps discover a skill/hobby/interest that she can turn into something and give her some depth before we all loose interest in her completely. I lay this one at the feet of the writers (which I've been banging on about for a few months now) who have turn promising talent and interesting characters into rubbish. As an actress, I don't fault Brooke, but do agree that there seems to be a lack of direction for her in the last year and mentoring that could allow her to evolve into so much more. Quite a shame.
I enjoyed Sophie when she and Sian were volunteers at the homeless shelter that found Dennis. I can see her as a younger version Emily, getting her hands dirty with gritty, contemporary, urban issues.
Spot on, Graeme. I really love the way you can put in a blog post what's in the back of so many fans' minds.
Thanks! As usual I hadn't a thought in my head until I sat down to write!
Generally speaking, I have liked the character of Sopheh, and think that Brooke Vincent is a good actress. However, Sophie needs something to DO! Surely at least one young person on the Street can get an education in something - after all, Ken did! Sophie showed great promise as a youngster. Let's see her achieve something. By the way, I feel that the Jenna/Sophie thing doesn't work because of the other actress, who always looks like a deer in headlights.
Brooke was a cracking little actress but has been ruined by the scripts, she was much too young for the lesbian thing. Send her to college and get her involved in counciling or something like that. She was careing and clever and much appealing than Rosie. The writers don't seem to have any positive ideas with the youngsters, they are the future of corrie, they would do well to remember that. They can't just keep writing them out never to return
I really dislike the way education is on the street -- people who go away to college or university almost always come home with their tails between their legs (i.e. Ryan, Amber), are non-starters (Todd Grimshaw chose Sarah over Oxford -- really?! or the programs are ridiculed (i.e. the art course Toyah took). There are NO educated women on the street! Brian is a bit of a buffoon and Ken is portrayed as pompous; they're the only two current characters who seem to have any education. (I get the feeling Roy and Haley are people who love to read but do not have a lot of higher education) It's not realistic and frankly it is sending the wrong message to younger viewers. Send Sophie off to college, maybe for something related to social work. I agree that the chemistry between her and Jenna doesn't work, probably because Jenna seems closer to 35 than mid/late twenties.
I have written many comments about Corrie characters and one of the things I have always mentioned is education or lack of on the street. No many of the characters have much education and when they do i.e. Kirsty they work at the Factory.Ridiculous. Andy at least left the street. This is 2013 and many young people go to Univiersity or higher education, even in Weatherfield.Sophie can do so much more and not hook up with a 30 yr. old, ridiculous. The writers underrate their audience.
Agree with all those commenting about the character's lack of direction and education. It won't happen, but Sophie should leave the Street to go to University. It should be Rosie who retuns with her tail between her legs. (Played by a different actress and with a character transplant).
Sophie as a character bores me to death with her perpetual whinging and moaning and sourness. Brooke Vincent mumbles or shreiks her way through the scripts. Yes write her out for a bit to go to Uni and then bring her back with a different head with someone who is actually understandable and uses more than one (sour) expression.
Sophie was SO AMAZING as a kid, so hilarious! Now she's a bit boring :(
Remember when she was best friends with Chesney? And Kayleigh. I miss that group. Now Chesney has a kid and he NEVER talks to Sophie.
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