Welcome to this week's mid-week Coronation Street episode review as we welcome a new family to those hallowed cobbles. With the new residents arriving at No. 3, Ken is still unhappy with the noise and disruption, and continues to get wound up by new patriarch Ed Bailey.
Sarah's flirtations with Adam Barlow continue over a coffee. Admitting she has no legal representative, Adam steps up to the plate and hopes Carla can hand her control of the factory.
Meanwhile, Shona and David question Nick's involvement in Natalie's disappearance, with Leanne swearing to Nick that the Nottingham lass has left for good. When David still can't find his phone, he wonders where he last left it. Realising it was at the barber shop, whilst he was talking to Leanne, he soon puts two and two together.
At the builders' yard, Eileen shows new owner Ed Bailey around and we meet his businessman son Michael. Gary tries to coax a job out of them but is left disappointed. At least he has a 'date' with Sarah to soften the blow.
Still wounded from Sally's attempt to sell Tiny, Tim is ridiculed by Abi and his wife but he's glad the old nag is back (he's definitely in love with the horse). Scuppered by this new threesome, Sally is given some advice by Yasmeen.
Inside No. 3 Steve is introduced to Aggie Bailey, her husband Ed, and her son James - the latter Steve recognises immediately. Welcomed in by the new neighbours, Steve tries to hide why he knows James but the truth about the taxi accident is revealed, and Ed confronts his son.
At the solicitors, Nick dismisses Sarah's coup for the factory and still thinks he's holding all of the cards. Feeling a little deflated, Sarah seeks more advice from Adam and tells Gary that she can't make their 'date' after all. Adam forces Nick to back off but not before Nick hints that he knows Adam's real intentions for his sister.
Admitting that Nick has given in to his demands, Adam goes round to the Platts to tell Sarah the good news - which she reciprocates with a big snog, just as a key is turned in her front door!
I'll be back soon with a review of the 8.30pm episode.
Speak in a bit!.
You can follow me @rybazoxo over on Twitter, your self-styled 'Cobbles Connoisseur'.

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1 comment:
I have no idea why Bethany wants her mum to get back with horrible miserable Gary.
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