Wednesday 5th June 2019
GEMMA FINDS TROUBLE COMES IN FOURS When Gemma’s morning sickness becomes so bad she collapses, Chesney decides to take her to hospital. As they are told she is going to have a scan Gemma reminds Chesney she has a family history of twins. But it’s more than double trouble for Chemma - they are expecting quads.
GAIL PLAYS PLATT PEACEMAKER Gail finds Nick and David at each other’s throats in the barber’s shop each blaming the other for the whole sorry mess. Gail’s at the end of her tether. She begs Audrey to drop the charges against Nick and David for the sake of the family.
ADAM SPOILS GARY’S PLANS Roy shows Sarah the array of phones from Carla’s bag. She’s disappointed that hers isn’t one of them but intrigued when she finds a piece of her phone jewellery. Adam buys Sarah a drink and tells her that none of the Italian girls he met were a patch on her. Sarah basks in his flattery whilst Gary heads out, clearly jealous.
ELSEWHERE Norris apologies to Mary but says he was doing it to protect her.
Wednesday 5th June 2019
GEMMA AND CHESNEY ARE UNITED As Gemma and Chesney let the news sink in they are given lots of information on multiple births including selective termination. But both agree they couldn’t go through a selection process and want all four babies to have a chance.
PARTING IS SUCH SWEET SORROW FOR MARY Dev and the kids leave for India with Evelyn in charge of the shop. Heading home Mary is devastated when Norris tells her he is moving to Edinburgh to marry Freda.
GARY WINS THE DAY BY WHATEVER MEANS HE CAN Gary begs Sarah to give him another chance. Sarah admits she still cares about him but reckons it’s too soon to forgive and forget.
KEN REMINDS AUDREY ABOUT FAMILY VALUES Ken recounts all the dreadful things his family have done over the years and how forgiveness is the only remedy. Audrey’s given food for thought.
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