The previews are in from ITV for next week’s Corrie and Geoff starts to take a nasty turn with Yasmeen.
Yasmeen is horrified to discover her jewellery and photos missing and Geoff is quick to point the finger of blame at Alya’s mates. Geoff tells Yasmeen he’s changed the locks but is secretly pleased when Yasmeen remains jumpy. Then he spoils Yasmeen with a champagne breakfast whilst offering to speak to the insurance company with a view to helping look after her finances. When Yasmeen gets upset about the loss of a framed photo of Kal, Geoff replaces it with a huge picture on the wall.
Geoff’s pleased to have taken control. In Speed Daal, a chap called Ray introduces himself to Yasmeen and Alya explaining he’s organising a charity fundraiser at one of his hotels and would like to hire them to do the catering. Yasmeen’s flattered but when Geoff suggests she’s too old to be taking on extra work, Yasmeen’s crestfallen. With Geoff’s words ringing in her ears, Yasmeen tells Alya to go ahead and take up Ray’s offer but to count her out.
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Shades of Charlie Stubbs!
I cannot stand him
Why have tptb changed Geoff's character at dramatically? Why can't they just have a nice guy staying nice?
I've always found him a bit creepy and his jokes not at all funny, but now he is downright nasty. He probably stole or hid the jewellery himself in order to make Yazmeen nervous. But it doesn't ring true that the intelligent and perceptive Yazmeen would fall for his scheming.
Charlie Stubbs was scary, Geoff is just greasy. He started off as such a nice guy too.....
Yasmeen I could see being charmed by Geoff but insecure. Intelligent woman often fall for cads, like her ex who cheated for ages. Perhaps it makes her question her worth.
Geoff is a little toe rag who has nothing to offer Yas as far as we've come. He's brought his toothbrush and overnight bag to the mix and that's about it. I like Yasmeen and I like the fact that she has Alya looking out for her...and she can be pissy
Jeanie (anon): Yes, it's Charlie Stubbs all over again--the psychological manipulation and belittling-- but with a new angle/dynamic--a much older couple. Makes it kind of interesting--you realize it's not just these big strong men who can be bullies and beat their partners up psychologically. The actress playing Yasmeen is doing a great job showing her vulnerability and crest-fallen looks after one of Geoff's put-downs--finally, the poor woman has something interesting to do!
It's not just Geoff who's changed--Yasmeen too. a year ago she was a more devout Muslim who didn't drink; now she's swilling down booze with the best of them!
Yes Jeanie, you have said it better than I did, that was exactly what I meant re "shades of Charlie Stubbs".
Geoff has always given me the willies. Please make him go away. This story is just not credible.
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