A single hour long episode tonight. We open with Mary decorating the Rovers as we sadly say farewell to Norris Cole tonight. It was great to see Malcolm Hebden return for his final swan song and they are not ruling out the odd cameo appearance in future but Number 3 is sold and there was a huge gathering in the Rovers before Norris, who has re-united with Freda, left in the inevitable black cab. He was also reconciled with Mary who has agreed to the necessary divorce but is sad at his departure. The Rovers was decorated with photo balloons of Norris at various times on the Street and Norris spent the evening wearing the medal he received for assisting with the Manchester Commonwealth Games. We are also reminded of Norris appearing in 2001 as Eartha Kitt (above - from the Liverpool Echo). He also "formally" hands over the Kabin to Brian in a little scene where he refers to the need to keep his frontage clean and tidy.
When you enter a syndicate employ a lawyer and get a watertight contract or as Sally finds out your partners can welch on you with Jenny and Sinead deciding that they cannot afford their share of effort minding Heracles or "Tiny" as Tim is calling him!
David has been thrown out of his own house as a result of recent events. He is told repeatedly that he has to make things up with the family and his first step in this is to see Adam and get a transfer deed drawn up so that ownership of "Trim Up North" is transferred to Audrey to repay some of her losses. She accepts and later lays down conditions. David remains in employment but he will have a new boss (above) - Maria - who will look after all financial matters and split her time between the two outlets as Audrey wants nothing to do with it directly.
Sarah manages to run the packing enterprise with Gary dropping hints to the workers that they will re-unite. However she put Gary's nose out of joint earlier in the week when she had a lunchtime drink with Adam so Gary decides he is going back to the building trade and leaving the factory (I assume he is staying at Izzy's again!).
Chesney and Gemma are back and I am not sure reality has sunk in. Gemma thinks she can continue to live with Rita - with four tots! Rita does not want to burst her balloon so Evelyn does it pointing out that Rita's flat really is not family sized. On the other hand the regulars have a whip round for Gemma and Chesney is standing behind her - although she accepts moving back in with him will not work either.
David gets himself a lawyer when Imran pops his head around the door and offers to represent him at the plea hearing later. (Nick after all has non-hotshot Paula who failed to keep an innocent woman out of prison). Imran stepped up to the plate as he had heard David and Adam in discussion earlier and feels he should be represented - but nothing changes and the two brothers plead guilty to their charges. However this is not the end of the matter - as we know the stories they have told are in conflict, so the judge wishes to hear all of the evidence as it will impact on the potential sentences. David and Shona (who are back together as a result of the deal with Audrey and above we see David saying that Shona is the most important thing to him - apart from a pint) are advised they need to find Natalie and get her to tell the truth to ensure that Nick gets the greater blame.
And Nick? Well his problem is Leanne who his fed up with the lying. He tells her not to attend the court hearing and Shona tells her that Nick is still lying as the stories do not agree. So Leane packs her bags and is about to leave with Oliver but before she can Nick sits down and tells her how he had seen an opportunity to pay off Elsa, to let the blame fall on Lewis and to have cash left over which David blackmailed him to using. Leanne is not convinced. Nick then turns the screws pointing out that Leanne has been a touch naughty in her time burning down a restaurant, stealing from friends when she took the lottery winnings. Eventually Leanne cracks and admits she does not want to lose him again but has no idea how they will sort out the mess. They are reconciled (above).
No Corrie Comicals this week.
Written by Martin Allen and Julie Jones. Directed by Gill Wilkinson

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