Why is it important that Coronation Street explore the effects of coercive control?
It is something that happens in our society much more than we understand, it is very prevalent. Highlighting something like coercive control, I hope it will make people who are perpetrators of this abuse think about their behaviour but I also hope it gives victims of this sort of behaviour a way of realising that they are not alone and if it helps them do something about it then we have achieved something very important.
When did you first hear about this storyline?
I knew when I was first brought in to the programme as Tim’s dad that the character might turn a bit dark so it wasn’t unexpected. For the first few months it was ‘nice Geoff’, ‘funny Geoff’ and ‘silly Geoff’. But now it is slowly starting to become apparent that there is something missing in Geoff’s psychological make-up. As an acting exercise and something for an actor to get his teeth in to, it is going to be interesting but it is also a privilege to be trusted with such an important storyline that I hope will make a difference.
What is going through Geoff’s mind this week?
At the moment he is so vulnerable and scared being left on his own.
This storyline has been slowly building, why is that important?
We have been trying to feed small clues without being obvious because that is what is true to real life. He is misguided which becomes unpleasant and then we will see the true extent of his behaviour in how the story develops. There have been a few pointers that Geoff hasn’t always been Mr Nice Guy from very early on.
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In these types of interviews it always comes across as 'the producers have told me to say.....'
Well of course they are! They're not allowed to give to give many plot lines away. It's a way of drip feeding information. It's the nature of the beast
I never read these "interviews" any more, as clearly, they aren't the actor speaking, but itv.
I really hate Geoff but in a way I'm glad they have chosen Yasmeen as the partner to show how even the strongest people can be susceptible to this awful manipulation.
Yes, Louby, I agree with you, but no doubt people will say that a strong woman like Yasmeen would never succumb to such behaviour
Didn't charlie Stubbs behave in this way to Shelley? Locking her in the Rovers bedroom etc. So it's a recycled storyline, for a new audience perhaps.
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