THINGS ESCALATE BETWEEN ADAM AND SARAH Adam offers to help Sarah free of charge, in her mission to take control of the factory. Calling at No.8 he tells Sarah he’s managed to persuade Nick to let her run the factory (he tells him sacking his workforce wouldn’t look good in front of a jury he’s trying to convince he didn’t sabotage the roof). Sarah kisses him but as they head upstairs, they’re horrified to hear the front door unlocking. Bethany gave Gary the keys to cook Sarah a surprise meal!
STEVE IS FACED WITH A BLAST FROM HIS RECENT PAST As Ed takes ownership of the builder’s yard, Gary calls in hoping for some work but Ed’s heard about Gary’s reputation and isn’t interested. When
Ken complains about the noise at No.3 and demands the name of the owner a mischievous Ed hands over Aggie’s details. Steve is sent over to clear the air but when he’s introduced to Aggie, husband Ed and son James, Steve is horrified to realise that James is the lad he threatened in his taxi as was knocked down by a car. Ed and Aggie listen in horror.
ROBERT PERSUADES MICHELLE TO GO ON A DATE As Maria chats to Michelle, she spots Michael leaving the builder’s yard. Michael approaches the women but it’s clear his interest lies in Michelle, not Maria. Michael tracks Michelle down to the bistro and invites her to join him for a drink. Masking his jealousy, Robert suggests she finishes early. Michelle’s hurt by Robert’s apparent indifference.
ELSEWHERE David suspects Nick had something to do with Natalie’s disappearance. Yasmeen apologises to Sally for Geoff’s interference and hands over her share of Tiny’s stable fees.
SARAH WANTS MORE THAN LEGAL ADVICE FROM ADAM As Gary enters Sarah quickly straightens her clothes while Adam hides in the kitchen. Gary explains it was meant to be a surprise but Sarah can’t get him out of there quick enough so suggests they go for a drink. When Adam joins them in the Rovers Sarah’s horrified until Adam takes the hint and leaves. Finally extracating herself from Gary, Sarah calls at Adam’s flat. Will they pick up where they left off?
THE NEW FAMILY MAKE AN IMPACT ON THE RESIDENTS Aggie and Ed tear a strip off James for risking his career as a footballer by getting involved in a car accident. Ken invites Aggie and Ed to join he, Tracy and Steve for a drink. However Evelyn plonks herself down uninvited.
MICHELLE’S DATE IS FULL OF SURPRISES Robert puts on a brave face as Michelle arrives for her date looking a million dollars. The date goes well until Michael invites Michelle back to his ‘bachelor pad’ for coffee and it turns out to be his mum and dad’s old house! Has Michael blown his chances? Meanwhile the Baileys crack open the rum and agree they wouldn’t choose to live on Coronation Street but they’ll have to make the best of things.
ELSEWHERE After a bit of horsing around Sally and Tim agree that Tiny can be their joint project and they’ll share responsibility. David and Shona investigate Natalie’s disappearance
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