In the days leading up to this week she has started to have doubts about the pact. Has she always had doubts?
She went into it with a very genuine heart, her and Toyah have developed this really strong bond and relationship. And she genuinely felt sorry for Toyah and she thought she could absolutely deal with it. But as we know, and as the viewers know, Eva has got a big heart and things are going to be extremely difficult for her. She is still in love with Aidan, as much a she tries to deny it. She does still love him, and it is their baby so at the same time she is wracked with guilt.
She thought this was the ideal solution was she being very naive?
Yes she is not the brightest of girls, and she never thinks about the consequences, at that moment she thinks 'oh my god' this is the ideal solution. Toyah can have the baby, she will get her life back and hopefully get back with Adam and she just didn’t question the consequences.
Toyah was probably naive too about the whole thing?
Yes they were both naive and desperate, that is the key word here desperate. They are both looking for something and this sounds like the ideal solution when in fact it is anything but.
She signs the lease on the cottage this week, is moving away worrying her?
She has been putting it off but it is getting to the point that she can’t hide this bump any more or play it off as the heartbreak diet. She also is finding it incredibly difficult to be on the street because of Aidan and Adam and she now realises that the best thing to do is go to the cottage. But she is very dubious about it because she is not good on her own, she has always needed a boyfriend or a mum or a sister and she will be in the middle of nowhere. She is very needy so she is worried about it.
The midwife starts talking about the importance of the father’s involvement is that when she realises the significance of what she is doing?
When she mentions the father’s involvement Eva looks round the room at all these couples and sees them getting ready for what should be the most important moment in their lives and she suddenly realises she is robbing Aidan of the chance to be there should he wish to be there, he will never get to hold her, sing to her and do all the things that dads are supposed to do and that overwhelms her at that point. That is the big hearted Eva that comes through, she cares about other people, she grew up without a dad and that is another key part of this.
Toyah talks to her as she realises something is not right with Eva. What does she say?
Toyah is totally genuine she is a very genuine person and she hates ying as much as Eva does and she wouldn’t behave like this if she wasn’t so desperate to be a mum. She also went through the whole wedding scenario with Eva and saw how in love and how desperate she was when she found out about the affair. She really cares about Eva and she realises that although they had this plan Eva should go for it with Aidan if she thinks it could work out.
Do you think Toyah has got that weight of that lie too?
The pair of them are riddled with guilt, they are lying to Peter and Aidan and those men don’t deserve that.
Do you think Eva should tell Aidan?
Yes 100% if I was her friend I would never have let her go this far in the first place. But it has taken Eva this long she knew she loved him, she has been suppressing it, she hasn't let those feelings in, every time she has thought about him she has just pushed it to one side. Over time and because she is carrying his baby it has overwhelmed her and made her realise how much she does care for him and if I was her friend I would be saying you have got to give this a go, and that is exactly what Toyah says to her.
Do you think that she did care for Adam or was she using him to get rid o the Aidan feelings?
She did care for him, he ticked a box at that time, he was very much the Prince Charming character and she needed that at that time and it seemed to work. She was so needy and she had such a bad time of it and when she told Adam that she loved him it wasn’t in the same way she had felt about Aidan.
Do you think Aidan is her soul mate?
Yes I do and this whole year has just been horrific for both of them, they have both made mistakes and they should really just sit down and talk.
Do you think Eva would make a good mum?
Yes I do think she would be, a slightly ditzy mum but a good one nonetheless. She would be loads of fun and she would cherish a ittle baby.
Do you think she could cope as a single mum?
Her mum did that and she has got that strength from her mum, I just don’t think she has the self belief and the thought of being a single mum overwhelms her it’s just not something that she thinks she could do.
Why did she not want the baby in the beginning?
It was fear, she was terrified, she was on her own, she was carrying Aidan’s baby and she has not recovered from the events of the wedding, it was such a huge betrayal and a huge event and she couldn’t see a way out of it. She was so hurt and felt alone. If only she had spoken to Leanne first and not Toyah it would be a very different story.
Do you like the dynamic with the three sisters?
I absolutely love it, I love working with Jane and Georgia they are fantastic actresses, the characters just work so well because they are so different, I love the comedy between Toyah and Eva and their differences. Toyah is very much natural and earthy and Eva is anything but, there is a lot of comedy to be had here and it works. Leanne is also like the mother g=figure and they all care for each other very much.

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It's too bad that Eva's leaving. I've enjoyed watching the three sisters together and thought there was a lot more mileage there. Hopefully the door is left open for Eva to come back and she returns at some point.
Love the 3 sisters and am sad that Eva is leaving. Love her comment about "if only she had talked to Leanne first..." It says a lot about the relationship. :-)
I’m gonna miss Eva, and, surprisingly, Aidan as well - he’s grown on me since Carla’s return. It will also be a shame that we’ll miss out on Grandpa Johnny, and more desperation for Jenny, esp when it is baby shaped. I hope they leave those doors open.
I dont think we would get desperate Jenny again. I think the baby would settle Jenny into the family more. She would soar in her role as grandma if she got to hold and love a baby again. I love the toned down Jenny and how shes much more respectful of Aidan since the surgery
I won't miss her horrible cackle of a laugh.
Something that's just occurred to me. If Eva is getting close to her date, what about the original surrogate mum whose date is around now? Maybe I've missed something but don't Peter and Leanne still think that's going ahead? The Rovers would be a hive of activity if a new arrival was on its way.
I love Eva's laugh! It's hardly a 'cackle' but more of a 'twitter' lol.
I too will miss big hearted, daft Eva.
PS was Aiden her soulmate? For months, he seemed to think Maria was HIS soulmate and Eva his obligation whom he was going to dump, until Eva was supposedly pregnant. He balked at committing to her at every turn. Hmmmm... settling? I liked her better with Adam with was all in from the start.
Humpty: Toyah's surrogate miscarried some months ago and she didn't want to upset Peter by telling him, so she and Eva came up with their daft plan. Of course Peter would have been relieved as he didn't want a baby in the first place!
I don't usually reply back to comments but I'm very curious. @coconno196, Peter and Leanne don't know that the surrogate mother miscarried so I wonder why Leanne, at least, isn't dashing about getting everything sorted out. Either something happened which I've forgotten or the writers want us to forget about her. Or maybe the whole plan will soon fall apart when people start asking questions.
It's not a horrible cakeca. It's a brill laugh. Catherine even has it in real life. She's ace
Humрty - do you honestly believe that the writers have time to think that deeрly? They have major рroblems understanding what the hell is going on with so many stories haррening at the same time, and most of them filmed out of sequence - Einstein would have рroblems with those sort of equations!
Agree with Shells re: Eva and Adam being better together than Eva and Aiden. Adam seems eager to make the commitment to her that Aiden balked at at every turn and that she's so desperate for. Can't understand why in the world she prefers Aiden to him.
Funny,I never got the sense that either Toyah or Eva were 'riddled with guilt'Toyah manipulated Eva using Aidan's and Maria's past fling to get what she wants,Eva's baby without a thought about the surrogate who miscarried or Peter,it's all about Toyah[perhaps in a desperate move to keep Peter?]!
As for Eva.Her 'Big heart'is not only denying her child her father but her grandfather Johnny as well!
I don't want to see Ken being a grandfather to Johnny's grandchild!
We all know this will all end in tears. Eva will decide to run off with the baby. Peter will learn the truth and that will be the end of his and Toyah's relationship. I never for a minute thought Peter wanted another child (in my humble opinion he is a crap Dad to the kid he has), he just went along to shut Toyah up.
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