Yesterday it was announced that Alison King is returning to Coronation Street to reprise the role of Carla Connor. You can read more on that here.
But how are you feeling about the return of Carla Connor?
I'm giving this a big, fat YAY because I think that in the hands of new producer Kate Oates there's scope for Carla to become the new Elsie Tanner that we all hoped she would. Well, I certainly hoped she would, and she never really did.
Kate Oates said this: “It’s time to break new ground with Carla. I didn’t want to put her on that familiar cycle of self-destruction, recovery, followed by more self-destruction.
“What we’ll have instead are these two strong Connor women – Carla and Michelle – on opposing sides and in conflict for a change. It’ll be a refreshing dynamic for us to see."
So, Corrie fans! The return of Carla Connor - Yay or Nay?
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It's a massive YAY from me too.
I agree.
sorry a big fat NAY from me. She'd run her course.
Yay, but she has to come back as feisty real Carla, not the drunk defeated pawn who she became at the end. And no Peter!
Alison King is a good actress, however, I think she may be coming back because the last we heard was that she couldn't get new work. Which is a real shame.
As far as Carla is concerned, she had become a bit of a cliche with her strident manner (before she became Tracey's plaything and her sharp voice rather grated on me. So, although I'm torn, I say NAY, although I expect I shall warm to her if she is feisty and real, warm and an authentic autonomous woman. Not a strong woman always getting caught up with men who are losers, manipulators and murderers. NO, no no!!
Although I liked her friendship with Roy,I would have to also say nay too.
I fear it would be the same recycled storylines,affair with Peter,or maybe even Robert,drinking and more of her emotional baggage.
Besides there are too many Connors on the Street dominating storylines while others like Erica are pushed out.
With the dynamic that Oates will add...big Yay. If it were recycled Carla then Nay.
Her voice would be a good match for Will's. Note I didn't say the people would be a good match, just their voices. :-)
I agree with those who say Carla needs to go back to the feistier version we grew to love. I still remember when she was getting married to Tony & he told her she looked beautiful & she said "I know".
Somehow I doubt that she is returning because she couldn't get work anywhere else. The PTB were working HARD since last year to get her to come back. I guess they made her a Don Corleone offer.
I'm happy she is coming back. She is a way better actress than Kym Marsh. Maybe they can finally put her on the back burner for awhile once Carla reclaims her Queen of the Street status.
Yay as long as they don't make her a victim or self destructive again.
Yay, let's just have some innovative storylines for her. Grudges and gotta-have-a-man arcs that over-ride every bit of everyday life just get old so fast.
Yay yay yay. She's my spirit animal. Or was back when she was a bitch ;)
Nay, nay a thousand times nay.
Carla is a complex character - strong woman who gets into trouble. Well, she'll be back after her time out in Devon and ready to get to work. I don't agree with pitting her against Michelle, they were best friends why change that. I'd like her to open another business in the neighbourhood with some of the money she got from the sale of the property in Devon. A Pilates or Yoga studio? Team up with Yasmeen? Another good actress who needs more story lines.
I've realised by now that bringing characters back rarely works and I was never a fan of Carla's anyway, I cannot stand women who deliberately split marriages up. And as for being the new Elsie Tanner? NEVER IN A MILLION YEARS! You need charisma for that, something which Carla is very much lacking. There was only one Elsie Tanner, there'll never be another.
I agree D C, Elsie was a tart with a heart, a very loveable character. Carla is too bitchy, and I never did buy into her friendship with Roy, too contrived to give her a softer side, which didn't exist.
Big Nay. Her character ran its course. So much has been done with her that it is so predictable what will happen. She comes back runs the factory, is besties with Michelle until she sleeps with Will/Robert then they have a catfight. She gets drunk. Crys on Peters shoulder then a Battersby (this time Toyah not Leanne) starts a catfight because Peter stayed with Carla all night because she was in a bad way. We have seen all this with Carla before.
Beth said...
sorry a big fat NAY from me. She'd run her course.
I'm with you, Beth!
Only if she's Carla 1.0--feisty, bitchy and not afraid of anything. Carla 2.0--no way.
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