Robert and Michelle, they're so boring
That current storyline leaves me snoring
Michelle with Steve was barely viable
Putting her with Robert is totally risible
Please Kate Oates, make it stop
I can't decide which character I'd rather you drop
Arms folded; dead-eyed stares
All those impossibly black dyed hairs
Come on Corrie Street, bring it to an end
By Graeme Naylor (Channeling Pam Ayres).

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Excellent Graeme! :-) Made my day. Will think of your ditty whenever they're on the screen.
You are spot on, Graeme. I cannot think when I was last so bored - ah hang on, every other scene in the last years that has had Michelle in it. Who would live with her? I think I know who she is channelling! :)
I'm with you Graeme except that I don't want it to stop unless it's to send the characters far, far away. If they split up they'd just go drag down two storylines and an untold number of actors instead of only one.
Here's another in agreement. Will Kate Oates take any notice though? Strikes me she has her favourites and to hell with the viewers!
Hahaha...that was awesome. It seems like people are burnt out on the Michelle character. They need to focus on other characters for a while...a very long while.
You speak for us all, Graeme. Does anyone actually like Robert and Michelle? I think Corrie folk must live in a bubble and only read the nice Twitter comments. They won't get rid of Kym Marsh. She's too valuable with her league of followers but they could put her on the back burner for a year or two.
Please send Michelle off to visit her actual living son. For a long time. And send Robert off to be - I don't know - a smithy, a longshoreman, a hairdresser. I don't know, but I am sure it is time for him to start a new career far away.
What is wrong with the powers that be? In the beginning, there actually was a real spark between Robert and Leanne. Why was that ignored? (Shakes head).
The poem is hilarious! I loved it!
Loved it thank you
The character seems to bring down every other character she's with. Time to let her go
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