Struggling with her conscience, Eva wants to call off the plan to destroy Aidan. She no longer wants the car, the flat, she just wants to walk away, dignity (semi) intact. After a meeting in the pub for the Connors to raise a glass to the departed Mum Connor, she has her own meeting with Adam and says she needs the Underworld hard drive back (how has Aidan been using his PC
sans hard drive?!). Unfortunately whilst attempting to re-install it, Connors Jnr and Snr come into the office and whilst hiding under the table she hears some home truths, namely that Aidan has been carrying on with Maria for the best part of a year, and that, according to Johnny, what Eva doesn't know won't hurt her. Understandably upset, she believes the whole Connor clan know about Aidan's affair with Slack Alice from the Salon. "This time I'm gonna bring the whole lot of 'em down," she swears to Leanne and Toyah. The plan's back on and it's Connors vs Battersby-Prices, beeyatches! She emotionally blackmails Aidan, saying that she has high blood pressure and risk of pre-eclampsia and needs to bring forward the wedding - to the same day as Johnny and Jenny's.

Team BP has an ally in Adam, who suggests Eva escape the situation by visiting St Ella in her new backroom of France. Eva's nice words to Adam ("You're not just a pillocky wide boy in a dodgy coat") inspire him to lean in for a kiss, something Maria witnesses and immediately spills to Aidan.
Kim Tate Erica has gone, Chesney has resigned and so Dev has sequestered Cathy to work in the shop and Gemma is promoted to overseer, without any additional pay. Gemma is annoyed by this and thinks the next thing is that Dev'll be fitting her with a colostomy bag so she doesn't have to shut the shop to use the lavvie. She does take a break to complain to Rita, but Jenny makes a crack at her expense and Gemma stomps out. Rita tries to persuade her to take Gemma on as a bridesmaid, something the future Mrs Connor says she'll "think about". In the meantime, Gemma's mates from the estate (Skanky Spice and Chunky Spice) turn up and persuade her to take some time out, which basically comprises playing loud music in Rita's flat and mixing all of her booze together in a chamber pot/bowl. Chunky Spice takes a pic of the Kabin alarm code, shortly before breaking said chamber pot/bowl - a present from Emily to Rita - who chucks 'em out. Gemma is apologetic but soon gives Rita a mouthful when she suggests that Gemma doesn't need her old friends from the estate. All is forgiven though when Jenny "asks" Gemma to be a
sexy robot from the future bridesmaid, and tells her that it was Rita's idea. Unforch, Skanky and Chunky are still hanging around and Rita, in her newly forgetful state, has forgotten to lock the door, so the girls let themselves in, although their ambitions only seem to extend to the contents of the sweet jars, rather than the contents of the till.
Gemma telling Chesney that Primer Doner is his "spiritual home" isn't enough to persuade him back to the kebaberie, although Cathy setting up a meeting with Dev for him almost tempts him out of the house until Fiz pops by with A New Hope and Ruby, and Uncle Ches jumps at the chance to child-sit if it means that a) he doesn't have to persuade Dev to give him his job back or b) leave the house at all.
Gina's bi-polar condition is manifesting itself in shopaholicism: recent purchases include leather trousers, dog plates and a lazy Susan. Sally finds overdue bills in Gina's handbag and offers to help her pay them, but Gina refuses. She's got her eye on an alternative source of readies (Dev) even if she has to work in the kebab shop to get it.
Pretty in pink (never peach) Mary skypes Jude (and baby George), showing them her custom made George Michael t-shirt (where can we buy these??). Whilst she's looking for it, the twins reveal that she's getting married and she has to confess that it's to Nozza of the Newsagents, something that flummoxes Jude but he gamely says he's flying over to witness the nuptials, which, as we remember from the beginning of this storyline, was in order for Mary to visit Jude in South Africa. Mountain/Mohammed, I suppose. Now not only do Norris and Mary have to convince the Mr & Mrs competition judges that they are a loving couple, but Jude as well.
Rachel Stevenson - on

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St Ella's backroom in France! Hahahaha!!!
So much for Eva's dignity. Once she heard about Aidan and Maria she should have kicked him to the curb, scraped her shoe and moved on with her life. Now, she's hiding under desks for pity's sake!
When Maria said 'you're more of a fool than I thought', did anyone else burst out laughing at the impossibility of that statement? I don't like this revenge plot, but I like Aidan even less.
How did the Skank Sisters get the alarm code? I can't imaging Rita would have had it lying around.
Yes she did actually. It was written on a post it note on one of her kitchen cupboards. One of the hideous duo took a photo of it with their phone
Hilarious review.
Question for the casting department: do they know nothing about basic genetics? It's great to finally have a Hope who can talk, but no way would redhead Fizz and light brown haired John Stape have produced such a dark-haired child.
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