Speaking in the new issue of Radio Times, which features lots of Corrie interviews this week, Corrie producer Kate Oates said: “Ever since I got here, it’s been rumoured that Carla’s coming back. But it was never true. Even the latest indications of it. Ali has only just signed her contract and she’ll be back around Christmas.
“It’s time to break new ground with Carla. I didn’t want to put her on that familiar cycle of self-destruction, recovery, followed by more self-destruction.
“What we’ll have instead are these two strong Connor women – Carla and Michelle – on opposing sides and in conflict for a change. It’ll be a refreshing dynamic for us to see."
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Yes! Yes! YES! ♥
I hope it's right that Carla will be a changed character. No more battles with Tracy please! Michelle though, that's certainly different but the downside is that we have to see loads more of the arm folding one.
I don't like Carla so I'm not relishing her return. However, having said that, if she can firmly put Michelle in her place, it will be worth it.
She'll have to at least visit in 5 weeks time to attend her Dad's wedding!
What are they going to do with Carla? Stick her back in that bloody factory? I have nothing personal against the actress, sadly she hasn't been able to obtain work so for that reason I'm glad she is coming back. I just hope they give her a decent storyline. I'm assuming we will also get a return of Jason as he hasn't been able to get any work except pantomine.
I hope that both Carla and Jason return and have something meaningful to do. I guess my hope that Eddie Windass will someday return is fruitless.
Can't wait! Hasn't Carla been living in the countryside? I can see the camera view of her Wellington-clad foot as she steps out of the taxi. With the new sets, let's hope we can find some fun places for her to develop storylines.
Happy about Carla, but dreading more Michelle. Even TPTB seem to try to make Michelle more palatable by pairing her with more popular characters. But, she's just so unlikeable. Wish they'd just get rid of Michelle.
Thrilled that Carla is returning, and that she will evidently be able to turn her life around a bit. But much less thrilled that it sounds like we will be seeing just as much of Michelle. I would love to see the back of her.
Jeanie (anon):
As long as Carla and Michelle aren't battling for the affections of the new brooding bad boy, Robert. Please don't take it there...would be so tedious--all three of them are a bit one dimensional/cardboard cutout caricatures.
SHUT THE FRONT DOOR!!!! Best .... News .... EVER!!!!
Carla, a but one dimensional? Really? Have you forgotten her relationship with Roy and Hayley already?
Great news!
It's great that she's coming back but I sincerely hope they don't go down the Peter and Carla route again (I suspect I'm in the minority when I say this).
It was a really good story at the time, but their relationship had no real foundations and I think it was just a product of Peter insecurity wanting to feel needed as opposed to being needy and Carla's grieving for Liam Connor. Other than them kissing and saying how much they loved each other I don't think they could really go anywhere
I'm really hoping that instead Peter and Leanne get back together, it was their getting together that brought about character development for both characters and they brought out the best in each other.
They'd go into a family unit as equals now with Simon being Peter's son and Oliver being Leanne's son, it's also clear from the various scenes they've had together over the past year that they get on well and truly care for each other - there's defo unfinished business.
So all in all - I don't dig Peter/Toyah (as many don't) I don't dig Peter/Carla or Steve/Leanne despite their popularity :P
I agree with Anonymous 10:59 on all counts. Just a thought, we don't know who's bought Nick's flat, perhaps it's Carla. I would like to see her rekindle her friendship with Leanne that would really upset Michelle ( who needs to leave the street permanently asap!)
Ah Carla. Of course she will return a changed woman, she's gone off licking her wounds and should come back snarling mad. What will she do? Factory? Nah, it'd be nice to see her take over Nick's Bistro and expand her empire. We need a female Mike Baldwin. She could even rescue Emily from Peru to do her books!
That's a twist, being at loggerheads with Michelle, but it's better than the tail between her legs slinking off Carla that they turned her into before.
I hope she comes back feistier, and bitchier than ever!
I love Carla! So happy to see her back!
Please no more Carla, and take Michelle with you perhaps they could join forces & open a bar in Spain. Also if this storyline of Gary & Phelan's daughter is true bin it now
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