Earlier this week we reported that Coronation Street is set to make "soap opera history" with a storyline involving Pat Phelan. You can read more on that here.
The phrase "soap opera history" was used by Corrie actor Nicola Thorp, who plays Phelan's daughter Nicola Rubinstein, in an interview she gave live on TV.
Now then. This has got me thinking. What on earth could Coronation Street be cooking up that warrants the phrase "soap opera history". It suggests that it's a storyline that hasn't been done before, not just in Coronation Street, but in any soap.
Could it possibly, as a Corrie fan suggested to us on Twitter said, involve patricide whereby Nicola kills off her dad, Pat? But that's been before, hasn't it, when Katy Harris killed dad Tommy.
Well, whatever Pat Phelan is going to be involved in, his storyline can't involve patricide as that's already been done.
So what could it be? Here's my top three guesses:
1. Anna Windass teams up with Phelan's ex-wife Valerie and together they bump him off.
2. Michael Rodwell returns from the dead and scares Phelan to death.
3. Jay-boy returns from... er... where'd he go again? Well, he comes back from there anyway, and falls in love with Nicola. In the meantime, Phelan starts throwing his weight around with Eileen and gives her a black eye, Jason and Nicola fight him off Eileen and Phelan has a heart attack in the process and karks it.
Let's have your thoughts - the wilder the better!
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He confesses to Nicola all his crimes and she turns him in, Eileen tells him she never wants to see him again *and means it*? (you know they never mean what they say on soaps! thus, there are always endless reunions)
Phelan escapes to the Costa del sol and dies of "unknown causes" - andy Michael Steph anna and anyone else who's felt the wrath of phelan team up and push him off a dolphin boat.
They're keeping very quiet about the actor's contract so it might be that Phelan is killed off. A few months back, there were suggestions that he's superstitious or afraid of the paranormal. Phelan might do a Macbeth and become haunted by his misdeeds, triggered by meeting Nicola. I think the 'confession' comes through Phelan sleep-talking/walking. He 'sees' Michael or Andy, and Eileen realises what's happened. Now I don't think that actually has been done before. When Phelan realises he can't bluff his way out of this one, he apologises to Gail and then drives off to self-destruct. He *might* give himself up which would mean another trial so probably that wouldn't happen. I wonder if Michael or Andy come back as a phantom and drive Phelan round the bend. Could be fun and Les Dennis might still have the make-up! It wouldn't prove he'd actually killed them, just that he thinks he has. Phantoms at Christmas, I quite like the idea.
I meant, of course, that it wouldn't prove he'd actually killed Andy. Getting carried away with my own scriptwriting again!
Like the photo of Ryan Thomas, he looks like a real actor.
Anna realises she's loved him all along and they run away together. Hardly the stuff of soap history though
It comes to light that he killed off Nicola's mum. Crime of passion. Or he beat the tar out of her and her dad came upon it and Phelan killed them both. Or maybe she's inherited the baddie gene, was the actual cause of their death and went into social service to atone! (Or cover her tracks....)
Wow. I'm melodramatic aren't I.
Can't say I care, so long as Phelan ends up dead or banged up for his crimes. In spite of the introduction of nice Nicola, I can't warm to him, he still gives me the creeps.
Now phelan has had his DNA testing surely Andys body must turn up at some point Off to coro prison pat goes simples
They find Andy's body, Phelan finds a way to pin it on Anna Windass who is sent to prison and he becomes a beloved regular on the street?
jeanie (anon):
I was thinking the reverse of patricide-Phelan threatening his daughter's life after she finds out his misdeeds--but I don't think Corrie will go so far as to have him kill her. That would be too dark.
But Nicola killing Phelan (perhaps accidentally--maybe in a struggle with him?) is my other guess. It wouldn't really be the same as Katy killing her dad--that was cold-blooded murder for her own ends. This would be unintentional.
I reckon, Andy is not dead. He has been laying in wait. Perhaps Valerie turns up dead, and all fingers point to Pat. Before the coppers can arrest Pat, Andy sets his revenge, and Pat turns up dead. And nobody is none the wiser of who murdered Pat. And Andy boards a flight to Spain, never to be seen again.
How do you turn up dead?
I love all these comments but I especially like number 1 on the post. I'd add Owen for a bit of extra revenge! Anna is leaving isn't she, so maybe it's going to be connected.
I don't care how they do it, but just GET RID OF PHELAN. I cannot stand to look at him much longer. And he can take Eileen with him.
Thank you all for the giggles, some great ideas. How about Pat has a heart attack... he is alone... Andy or his spirit watches just like Pat did with Michael.
Her body is discovered?
That would be lovely.
How about Andy isn't dead but Phelan has him imprisoned somewhere. Remember, in his confession to the priest he mentioned something he was 'still doing'. Is Phelan sadistic enough to do something like that? Remember also that he told the dying Michael that he didn't have it in him to actively murder someone; yet that is exactly what we are expected to believe he did just a few weeks later ... but we saw no body and it's not been referenced since. There's no way on earth they would ever leave a thread hanging like that as an oversight; it WILL be resolved eventually. To imprison someone for this amount of time has certainly never been done - Rosie Webster escaped Stape after a couple of weeks, but it must be six months since we last saw Andy.
I was just here to say what Cobblestone said but they beat me to it!
I wonder if his daughter will discover the truth and end up imprisoned as well. Maybe it's going to go all Fritzel on us (something that's never been done)
I think he faals for Billy and has a sex change operation which gives him a staph infection which quickly kills him. That's not been before has it?
Andy escapes and gets the cops. Confronted by the police, Phelan kills one of them with something on the construction yard (you'll never take me alive!) then jumps to his death as he is rushed.
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