Week of Monday 10 October to Friday 14 October
There's shock news for Steve from dad Jim, Bethany breaks down to Sarah over diet pills, Faye gets a boyfriend, Sophie tells Kev she's leaving for 3 months, David plans revenge.
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Since the illness Steve has is heredity,wouldn't Amy have to be tested too?Or is this a contrived ploy for Michelle to find out about Steve's and Leanne's one night stand?
I'm getting bored with Sarah's tantrums1Why doesn't she try to talk calmly with Gary who may I add did try to tell her once before about Bethany's diet pills only to get the door slammed in his face and was told to butt out?
Ken owes Tracy NOTHING. He should do precisely what he wants and given Dierdre's unfortunate demise, Ken should appreciate how fleeting life is and the need to follow your dreams.
Sarah truly is a moron. Gary can't win no matter what he does and at the end of the day, Bethany is not his kid/his responsibility. Maybe if Sarah spent half as much time parenting as she does chasing after men/breeding, then her kids might be better off.
Of course Amy doesn't need to be tested... as soon as there are babies on the scene, children are put back into the storage cupboard until the next contrived storyline.
Surely Tracy's days in the florist's are numbered as Peter is about to return. He'll need a job if he's staying permanently and somehow or other he'll want to reopen the bookies.
Wasn't there some incident where he couldn't pay out on a bet Rob made and lost the Bookie's?
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