Sean Tully is perhaps as unlucky in love as Bet Lynch was before him. Of course, this state of affairs begs the question -why? Is it that he is too needy and just too dependent? Sean gives his all to his relationships and he gives it early on. Playing it cool is simply not present in his DNA. This is not to suggest that mature relationships should be about game playing, but in the early stages, it would be better for Sean if he was less effusive, less delighted in his new found love and just held back a little. Easy to say, I know, but very hard for Sean to do.
For some of the time, I did believe in the Billy/Sean pairing, but always felt that Sean was the keener of the two, by a good margin. Sean was the moany one, the gripey one, a bit spoilt childish when Billy had to deal with demands from his boss, the bishop or the boss of bosses - God. In contrast, Billy was fine with Sean's work demands, though I suppose Liz and Carla don't quite have the power of Billy's ultimate boss.
Many a time we have seen Sean and Billy embrace. Sean appears deliriously happy, but then the camera pans on to Billy's facial expression and it is apparent that he is not reciprocating Sean's joy.
Has he, for a while now, been trying to let Sean down gradually? Having now confessed his feelings for Todd to Todd, is it not now hypocritical for him to continue the relationship with Sean?
Initially, after Billy had revealed his feelings for Todd, Todd actually rediscovered his moral compass, which he had previously abandoned in London, and ranted at Billy, worried about how Sean would feel if Billy dumped him, only to discover that the love of his life, had fallen in love with Todd.
There is no doubt that Sean will be heartbroken when he discovers that Todd and Billy have strong feelings for each other. Might Sean catch them in an embrace? What a terrible betrayal he will experience - his lover and an old friend with whom he has lived for many years.- pretty hard to bear for anyone, but particularly so for someone who is as emotionally fragile as Sean.
On a practical level, how will Sean be able to stay at Eileen's with Todd there too? And it would be impossible for Billy to visit at number 11 wouldn't it?
Credit card at the ready Sean - now check in to Heartbreak Hotel.
Ruth Owen - twitter @Ruth1722
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Since she threw out both her sons out of house in favour of her love life,[Jason for Paul's ill wife and Todd for Phelan] while Sean was allowed to stay,I bet Eileen will throw Todd out again for betraying Sean while a smirking Phelan looks on relieved that Todd can't cause trouble for him.
Anon - I can see that scenario benefitting Pat, but with Jason gone & Eileen happy wit the 'new' Todd I'm not so sure she'll take sides this time.
I don't share most people's excitement for Billy & Todd, mostly I think because I didn't see an edgy side to Billy before. He was a mild-mannered vicar overall. It was his pastoral & protective side that brought about his moral conflict re Sarah & earlier his brother (rather than a reckless, tormented, passion-driven self). This part of him was in congruence with having a caring, committed (if boring) relationship with Sean.
So a big leap occurred, and maybe I missed it. I'm adjusting!!
I could see that Billy was the parent to Sean's stroppy teenager, and I can see that the new-look Billy and Todd both have demons to conquer. What I don't buy is that someone with Billy's morals would do the dirty on his own doorstep. Lusting after Todd would make Billy realise that he and Sean were finished but he wouldn't follow it through. Still, that wouldn't make an interesting storyline.
I'd like Sean to have an older partner, maybe a parallel to Johnnie and Jenny.
The character development between Sean and Billy was going nowhere. They were as boring as dishwater.
Billy will be swayed by dark Todd and crossover to the evil side. We have had a serial killer with a briefcase; now meet the slasher with the collar.
Beautiful insight, that's exactly what Sean needs!
Great comparison, Ruth, between Sean and Bet Lynch! Other commenters have suggested that Sean is too simple-minded to be a good match for Billy. Early on in their relationship, however, what Billy learned from Sean - and took from him- was a lesson in how to be open about his sexuality, how to wear his pride on his sleeve, a la Bet Lynch. This suggests a profound innocence and strength in the character of Sean, while Billy is plagued with weakness and insecurity. I agree with Humpty Dumpty. Sean needs his version of Alec Gilroy, someone who understands Sean's unique worth and is in a position to protect his gaping vulnerabilities.
Eileen really isn't in a position to condemn Billy and Todd (Bodd? Tilly?!?) since she dismembered EXACTLY the same thing with Michael & Phelan; realising she didn't love the one while being attracted by the other. The difference here is - for once - Todd seems sincere.
I'm disappointed that they didn't just go ahead with a happy gay couple, Sean and Billy, and explored what that meant in a world where gay clergy are still only partially accepted. Lots of room for conflict and self-exploration, as Billy tries to balance private and public and Sean tries to accept having to tone things down to accommodate his partner, while giving him the courage to pursue a life and family as a gay vicar. Plenty of room for positive self-growth for both characters.
But, instead the writers choose the same tired route as ever--the love triangle with the only other gay guy on the street! Plus added two personality transplants to make it happen--Todd suddenly becoming nice and caring, Billy suddenly boasting, "Trouble is my speciality!" as he clutches frantically at Todd. Very lazy writing and story-telling--not to mention one of the cheesiest scenes I've seen in Corrie in a long time. Jeanie
P.S. Didn't think I would ever find myself defending Sean, but thought he and Billy were actually really good together--some great comedy and some nice serious moments when Sean showed Billy he didn't need to be ashamed of his sexuality. They only became tedious as a couple when the writers decided to break them up and dropped them into the endless suspicious bickering that we saw with Michelle and Steve as well.
Hope Todd gets Billy caught up in some evil plot. Sean is too light-weight, Billy needs to live on the edge.
The other day I said that Sean needed someone different, less brainy and more fun. I'm still not convinced by Billy and Todd, but did you notice that we only saw Billy's other friends and work mates once? What could he have done with Sean? In social gatherings, I can see Todd conversing on more topics with the Bishop or Billy's presumably educated friends than Sean. They're just a better fit, even if there is no obvious spark. I can see Billy and Todd enjoying a foreign language movie or discussing a book. I see them enjoying an occasional party or club night, but not living for them. And neither would ever pack 15 shirts unless they were moving.
We need Todd to remain at Eileen's to keep an eye on Phelan, so moving to the vicarage is out. I don't think Sean would be happy living under the same roof with them, however. What if he moved in with Norris? Even when Emily comes back (pleez pleez pleez come back), there's still more space chez Cole. They are both lonely and have kind hearts buried under cloaks of silliness and grumpiness, respectively. I think they could be good company for each other, in an odd couple way. Then, with a new nest and his living situation settled, Sean can work on the romance bit. I hope he finds someone soon. He deserves better.
I know plenty of 40 something (women, at least) who live to dance all night at clubs. What connects them, I think, is not having kids and wanting to stay young. Sean seems absolutely normal in that regard, on a street where very few people ARE normal. My goodness, he even goes into town for his fun. I liked it when Sinead went along as his plus 1. Was that when Sean met Billy?
I'm a little uncomfortable about how the debate about Billy + Todd, yay or nay, has been largely about whether Sean is smart enough for Billy. The debate seems grounded in class assumptions. Billy has a profession, Todd, while employed as an assistant in a florist shoppe (stereotype much?), used to have one. The only thing that seems clear is that Todd and Billy, between them, will have enough IQ to make each other miserable. Which isn't to say that they shouldn't pair up, just that the Street presents an ongoing puzzle with characters like Sean: Is he destined to be alone? Who else on the Street belongs to this category? Mary? Norris? What is it about the CS style of storytelling that creates these lovelorn characters? Somehow, I think in a different world they'd be fine, Sean included. Just not CS...
I would love it if Sean came back from London having already met someone new. Partly because I want to see him happy and partly because I don't want to sit through lots of angst aka tantrums from all sides about Todd and Billy. Someone who's got a child himself maybe? Then get Dylan in the programme and let him have a happy family. He's had enough years of heartache.
Should be "and tantrums".
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