It's Max's sentencing and the judge hands down a 6 and a half year stretch. He'll be out in 3 and a quarter! By that time, his career might have floundered and he'll be back to the Street anyway. Max's day is bad, but David's is worse when Andy turns up with a knife and tells David that Harvey wants him dead for the life insurance. David talks him out of it but Andy says that someone else'll just be along to do the deed and later he sees Lily talking to the lads who attacked him in the last episode. Then he and Shona find out that one of Harvey's goons is in the prison Max has asked to be transferred to. They can't see a way out until David rescinds and asks Andy asks him to kill him (for the life insurance) in a hit and run to take place tomorrow at 2 p.m. on Rosamund Street. But Corrie's not on tomorrow!
Abi's friendship with Ronnie continues apace with some double entendres ("have you got a big screwdriver?") which'd be quite sweet if it wasn't for Kevin and his cancer-induced paranoia. Sally, not knowing about Kevin's increasing jealousy of Ronnie, decides she's going to knock Tim and Kev's heads together via the medium of a dinner party with Debbie and Ronnie also. So she gets to play the good fairy and make vol-au-vents. They play a murder mystery game in which Ronnie and Abi's characters are having an affair, to which Kev takes umbrage and stomps off, although they later make up.

It's Jenny's bday, so the women in her life have bought her presents - apart from Daisy. Well she has, but it is a contract from the solicitors to hand over the deeds of the pub to Danny boy. They squabble and Jenny starts hitting the bottle and flirting with Kit. She knocks back most of a bottle of wine and then starts hinting to Kit as to Daisy's actual baby-daddy.
Julie tells Brian that she's staying with Eileen for the foreseeable. Mary is jealous and trying to steer Bri away from her. Since Julie coming back is a) depressing because she's dying and b) going to remove Eileen from our lives, I do hope she's going to do some inadvertent good and bring Mary and Brian together.
Oh and Ken decides he's not going to press charges against Cassie. She meets up with Hope who then persuades Ty to go for a farewell drink with his ma. He tells her he'll repay the money to Ken but then there's a pile on from the rest of the Street and Ty says he is ashamed of his mum and she's kicked out of the pub.
Rachel Stevenson - on bluesky

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