It's relationship day on Corrie as various couples argue, make up, or come to new understandings, not least of all about a feature wall in the bedroom.
First of all we have Steve with his one true love - Rover the dog. He has a heart to heart with her about another fine mess he's got himself into. Rover isn't the only one who hears his confession though: by the end of the first half of epsiode one, he's told all to his mum, who is, and I quote: "looking forward to the fireworks". I think we all are, Liz. After suffering stomach pains in the street, Leanne goes to A&E, accompanied by Michelle - the dramatic irony is not lost on Leanne. Every kind of irony is lost on Michelle as she talks about Paul babysitting Ryan (the same Paul who locked Leanne in a car boot), Ryan, who only phones once a fortnight (what about her "other" son, Alex?) and then goes on to harry Leanne about who the father is, whether he knows, what's his name etc etc. Ever thought your presence might be more of a hindrance than help, Michelle? But Leanne, although anxious, is glad that Michelle is there when she's waiting and when she gets the all clear, and Steve is pleased as well. Leanne tells him that the only way he can play a part in his child's life is if he tells Michelle and since he doesn't want to do that, and risk losing his wife, they agree that they will never speak of this again. For now.
There are quite a few people who are now under oath not to say anything - Simon, Steph, Liz, Michelle and Steve, of course, and they all want to spill the beans. Michelle, with her new honesty is the only policy outlook, breaks the news to Steve (or so she thinks) and confesses that she has changed her mind and now wants a child of her own. Just keep an eye on the baby's tag this time, Michelle. Steve wonders if God is having a laugh: chucking stuff down on him and
seeing how he'll deal with it. I guess by God he means Kate Oates.
Jenny Bradley uses the excuse of creating a distraction to cover up Sally using Underworld's photocopier for "very important council business" to have her own tête-à-tête with her boss-slash-lover. Johnny, in a very bass-player-in-a-pub-rock-band waistcoat, thinks they should call it a day because of the difference in their roles at the factory and because of Kate's romantic troubles. "She's a grown woman," quoth Jenny Bradley and she's not wrong. If Johnny keeps coddling Kate, she'll become self-righteous and unforgiving - oh hang one, she's like that already.
Later, a mix up about meeting locations leads the young and handsome Mr Singh Jnr to ask Jenny Bradley (in another sexy outfit from her ever revolving and evolving wardrobe) out for a drink and a little kiss goodnight, with Johnny and Aidan as witnesses. Jenny Bradley, you saucepot! Johnny comes round, then goes around to Jenny's, where she tells him to treat her with a bit of respect and "the kisses will come thick and fast", You minx, Jenny Bradley!
Luke lets the Caz out of the bag, and tells Sophie, who of course immediately spills it to Kate, that her ex is staying at Maria's (not Maria and Luke's), which leads to a couple of showdowns as Kate spits feathers at Maria and tells Caz she never wants to see her again, which is a bit difficult since she lives, as Luke points out, "twenty yards away". Caz has more bad news as she finds out that the court martial is set for a month's time, but Maria says that she can stay at hers (not hers and Luke's) for as long as she wants, much to Luke's annoyance.
Meanwhile, Gemma gets free sweets and (almost) a gratis cut and blow dry for doing the right thing and dobbing in Clayton to the police. David is unimpressed - if she hadn't been friends with Macca, and, by extension, Clayton, in the first place, the brothers wouldn't have been hanging around. David is back at the salon, working like nothing has happened, even sweeping Kylie's nail equipment into the bin. Audrey tells him to go home to sort out the funeral arrangements - what about looking after the two children?? - but he is only floored when Mrs O'Hara who, presumably doesn't read the local paper or watch ITV Weatherfield news, asks after his wife.
Elsewhere, Sally is still worried abut the furore over Barry the missing dog. I do hope we'll see more of the Mayor and his partner. But perhaps less of Sally's pelvic floor exercises.
Rachel Stevenson - personal website
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Sounds like more of the musical bed partners we have come to expect from this soap. Thanks for the warning, I will be giving it a miss.
I need the help of someone who wears an anorak. On what date in the UK did Leanne sleep with Steve and on what day did she take the home pregnancy test? I am just wondering if enough time elapsed from the first event...and I think it was Tvor who commented on another posts that she thinks maybe Peter could be the babydaddy?
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Don't miss it, there were some hilarious scenes in it!
What is really bugging me about recent episodes is the fact that the interior of Marias flat has changed! After twenty odd years the front door has moved and an additional room has appeared! Why do the ptb do this? It's really annoying! - Micky
Corrierules.. I was convinced Peter was the daddy, but, as Tvor pointed out Leanne told Steve he was the only man she had slept with, so I guess I was wrong.
It seemed to be only a week or so between sleeping with Steve and the pregnancy test, but we had so many episode delays because of the blooming football that I really lost count of the Corrie days.
I didn't think it was Peter, but I did question that she could feel morning sickness less than 2 weeks after conception. Everyone's different of course but i do think that's a bit early for it.
caz is such a wooden actress - sorry to say it, but I hoрe her stint comes to an end soon and she can go back to california
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